Emergency Art History: Protecting At-Risk Cultural Heritage Sites in Nagorno-Karabakh

The Multicultural Middle Ages Podcast di Will Beattie, Jonathan Correa Reyes, Reed O'Mara, & Logan Quigley

Note sull'episodio

Recent years have seen the re-ignition of conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the Nagorno-Karabakh region. The historical monuments of this mountainous territory in the South Caucasus attest to the presence of Armenian people in the region for millennia. With the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict having culminated in the expulsion of Armenians from their homes after Azerbaijan assumed control of the region, these monuments are in serious danger.

In this episode, Jonathan Correa Reyes speaks with Professor Christina Maranci about the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the rich cultural heritage of the region, and our responsibility as scholars concerning at-risk cultural heritage sites and monuments.

For more about this conversation, visit www.multiculturalmiddleages.com.

Parole chiave
multiculturalmuseumshistoryethnicityidentityart historymonumentscultural narrativesreligionnew materialismmaterialismmaterial culturerelicssociologyanthropologyarchitecturereligious studiesarmeniaazerbaijancaucasusNorthwest asiatranscaucasiasouth caucasuseastern europe