Let's Have The Humanity TalkEsplicito

di Natalia Simo Fiallo

We're having the talk! Sex, human rights, wellness, and everything in between. Two hosts getting certified in the field of sexuality sharing conversations, and occasionally with field experts. A relatable, educative, and inclusive podcast.

Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 1

  • Feminism & Toxic Masculinity

    Feminism & Toxic Masculinity

    A movement of equality that is currently controversial and a concept thought of as a myth by many... Tune in for history, facts, and a discussion that we are passionate about!

  • The Sex Industry and Society


    The Sex Industry and Society


    Differentiating sex work from sex trafficking, and discussing the many faces of this type of work, only legalized in a handful of countries.

  • The Female Pleasure


    The Female Pleasure


    Talking about the female pleasure - beyond arousal and orgasm!

  • Sex Shame & Double Standards


    Sex Shame & Double Standards


    We navigate sex shame and double standards in the American culture - the concept of virginity, victim shaming, and more is discussed.

  • The Period


    The Period


    All about menstruation - Let's destigmatize The Period! What the period is, menstrual devices, health factors, and trans folx.