Note sull'episodio

You may have a parent or a neighbor who has been sidelined by a stroke, a fall, or a surgery. You know that person has travelled the world, read lots of books, or has a passion for music. Now what?

Our library system has evolved to provide much more than books. They offer classes and music and movies and direction to resources. What happens when a person who wants to experience the world can no longer leave his or her house?

Across the country, there are programs to bring the library's resources to the homebound person. The reasons for this are important. A person's physical health depends on their mental well-being. Isolation is a public health hazard. Bringing books, music, and movies to that person will improve the person's outlook on life.

In this episode, we hear from Christa Bassett and Sandi Koehler from the  ... 

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Parole chiave
elder lawlong term careaginglater in life planninghome carelonelinesshome health