Insight #9: An Emerging Culture

AndyKennedy_CO di Andy Kennedy

Note sull'episodio

In this final episode of our first 9 insights of the Celestine Prophesy and our course Manifesting with Synchronicity, Andy talks about how we can all uplevel ourselves to live in the new era, what the thought leaders of our time are envisioning for this new era, and more.

Andy also discusses what's to come with Insights 10, 11 and 12, our upcoming mini series, and more! These insights are a small part of what we unpack in the Manifesting with Synchronicity course we teach! Learn more here: https://innerselflightworks.thinkific...

We share a lot of our content and upcoming courses through our website, so sign up for our mailing list there! If you missed the previous episodes, watch the whole ser ... 

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