The Mom and Dad Podcast

di Ashley and Justin Benfit

Ashley Benfit is a videographer, photographer, influencer, and loving wife and mother. Justin Benfit happens to be the lucky father and husband in this happy little family, as well as a veteran sales professional and an avid student of history. Remi is the third member of the trio; a part-time star of Ashley’s life-style blog and full-time butter-ball/inspiration for almost everything his parents aspire to become. The Mom and D ...   ...  Leggi dettagli

Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 1

  • Baking With Bryan Mckinnon

    Baking With Bryan Mckinnon

    We’re so excited to share this weeks episode! Bryan McKinnon is a mother of three (almost 4), an entrepreneur; running her own bakery, and a former Semi-Finalist on The Great American Baking Show! Her perspective on balancing dedication and love for family on the one hand, with passion for personal growth and acceptance that it’s ok to be more than just “Mom” on the other, is enlightening and inspiring and we don’t want you to miss it!

  • January 1st ALREADY??

    January 1st ALREADY??

    Here’s a phrase you never hear this time of year! “New Years Resolutions!” Well we’re going to change that on this week’s episode. So if you’ve “fallen off the wagon” with regard to your own New Years resolutions, take heart. We have tok along with probably everyone else who made them. So take an opportunity this week to check in with us and with yourself and recommit to those life changing initiatives that you were so committed to half a year ago. There’s plenty of time left to get back on that wagon and make that goal happen!

  • High School Insecurities

    High School Insecurities

    Is there anything more memorable than the days we spend in high school. For better or for worse, they can be some of the most influential days of our lives. In todays episode we go over some of our most cringiest experiences during our time in the halls. Listen in for some fun entertainment! We hope you guys love todays episode and we will catch you on the next one.

  • Got Procrastination?

    Got Procrastination?

    We waited until the last possible minute to record this one so that we could really get into the spirit of the topic! Procrastination is a common theme in most all of our lives. From the student who waits until the night before the midterm to begin studying for a test to the aspiring entrepreneur who waits years to start that business that they keep telling themselves (and sometimes even others) they’re going to start. Why do we sabotage ourselves in this way? Is there a way to stop it? If so can anyone do it? We’ll look at these and other questions from a few different angles to really understand the root causes as well as little-known solutions of procrastination.

  • Chris Bentley on Political Polarization

    Chris Bentley on Political Polarization

    Today's Episode truly features an expert on the subject matter. Chris Bentley has lived a life defined by hard meaningful work toward meaningful and fulfilling ends. He has a relentless optimism and an undying curiosity which he balances well with a strong sense of right and wrong. All of these traits have served Chris well in his experience in Government, through the U.S. Forrest Service, for more than a decade and have given him unique perspectives on a topic he has studied diligently for years: Political Polarization. So join Us as We welcome Chris Bentley to the show as he helps shed light on one of the most dire and rapidly worsening issues of our day.