Heroes Journey PhysioFitness

di Dr. Cameron Hoge & Anibal Rios

Welcome to Heroes Journey PhysioFitness! This podcast is hosted by Dr. Cameron Hoge, a Doctor of Physical Therapy and Orthopedic Specialist, and Anibal Rios, a lifelong yo-yo dieter who finally broke the cycle and doubled his strength.

While helping people rehabilitate from injuries, dysfunction, and pain, Dr. Hoge noticed that many people lacked basic knowledge about health and fitness. Anibal, who tried multiple appr ... 

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Episodi del podcast

  • #58 - The Foundation of Health: Stop Majoring in the Minors

    #58 - The Foundation of Health: Stop Majoring in the Minors

    Health is often seen as complicated, and many of us aren't even sure what it truly means. Is it simply the absence of illness? We believe it's much more than that. When starting a health journey, many people tend to focus on the minor aspects of health. We often spend an excessive amount of time and energy finding the perfect diet, experimenting with biohacks, and exploring various supplements. While these can be helpful, they won't make a significant difference if you haven't built a solid foundation on the major aspects of health. We haven't found a silver bullet that cures all health issues. That's why in this episode, we'll dive into the pillars of health that truly make a difference. By building a strong foundation, you can achieve major results in your health journey. Join us as we explore the majors of health. Mentioned on the show: Pillars of mental and emotional health The 5 Tactics in the Longevity Toolkit Framework for exercise Podcast episodes mentioned include: #2 - What Is Health & Fitness? #20 - How to manage stress Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heroesjourneypf/

  • #57 - How to Create Your Own Training Plan

    #57 - How to Create Your Own Training Plan

    When starting your fitness journey, many of us seek the "right" training plan based on influencers, athletes, and/or celebrities. Sometimes, we can become confused trying to select the best one or may not see long-term progress. Some may even switch programs, thinking that is the issue. In this episode, we hope to shed some light on how to create your own training plan that meets your current needs and goals. We provide the framework for building a solid plan. Podcast episodes mentioned include: #6 - Progressive Overload #36 - Top 10 Exercises for Strength #37 - Top 10 Isolation Exercises #41 - Why You Should Stop Exercising Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heroesjourneypf

  • #56 - Dr. Andrew Huberman's Fitness Protocol

    #56 - Dr. Andrew Huberman's Fitness Protocol

    Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., is a neuroscientist and tenured professor in the Department of Neurobiology at Stanford School of Medicine. He is also the host of The Huberman Lab podcast. He has developed several health and fitness protocols. In today’s episode, we focus on his fitness protocol that he has shared. One of the key topics we discuss is whether everyone should follow this routine. We often see influential figures on social media sharing their routines, but does that mean we should automatically follow them? That's the question we explored, and we hope to provide some insights. Mentioned on the show: Neck Exercises that KILL Your Neck (DO THESE INSTEAD!!) Foundational Fitness Protocol Podcast episodes mentioned include: #46 - Is Neck and Grip Training a Myth? Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heroesjourneypf

  • #55 - 10 Limiting Beliefs that Sabotage Your Progress

    #55 - 10 Limiting Beliefs that Sabotage Your Progress

    Most would agree that our experiences shape the way we view and experience the world. These deeply held beliefs could be impacting your health and fitness journey. It could be as simple as believing that you cannot change and that your current situation is your destiny. We want to raise awareness of these beliefs, helping you to challenge them. By changing the lens through which we perceive the world, we hope to kickstart your journey to creating a new identity. Stay tuned to understand that the world may not be out to get you and learn how to overcome these beliefs. Mentioned on the show: The Ultimate Guide to Limiting Beliefs How to Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs What Is the Confirmation Bias? How to Identify Your Limiting Beliefs and Get Over Them The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing by Bronnie Ware Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heroesjourneypf

  • #54 - 10 Health and Fitness Myths That We Used to Believe

    #54 - 10 Health and Fitness Myths That We Used to Believe

    The world of health and fitness can be incredibly confusing, with everyone claiming that certain exercises should never be done and certain foods should never be eaten. These polarizing opinions often leave us feeling lost and unsure of where to start. But what's really right and wrong? In this episode, we clear the air on things that we once thought were facts or common knowledge. Just because something is considered common knowledge doesn’t mean it's correct. Stay tuned and let us know what surprises you the most. Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heroesjourneypf