Grace Light Podcast

di Aakara Grace

This podcast is about all things awakened, enlightened, and positive. How does one increase their vibration, frequency and attain lasting health? Join Aakara Grace live from Kaua'i, Hawaii to explore subjects that are cutting edge topics of all good things wellness, vitality, and living in your soul's purpose! Find more at and Grace Light Wellness on FB and IG.

Episodi del podcast

  • Reflection on recent circumstances on Maui

    Reflection on recent circumstances on Maui

    I felt called to share some reflections on the recent tragic circumstances on the island of Maui, on August 8, 2023. A combination of imbalances associated with weather as well as manufactured elements led to a significant fire. Which has changed the course direction of this land and community. My apologies the audio is slightly off, but do give it a listen as I am attempting to provide a neutral response amongst all that has transpired. Mahalo Nui Loa Visit for more info on classes, workshops, private sessions, or guided meditations. The intro and ending music are by Master Zhi Gang Sha & Mr. Chun Yen Chiang, Soul Symphony of Yin Yang.

  • Truth Vs. False Information - How to Discern

    Truth Vs. False Information - How to Discern

    This incredible vast and expansive reality we occupy tests us often to discern what is true and what is false information being shared. Yet how can we know the absolute truth. I share here, some deeper awareness of identifying truth vs false information so that you can connect with to your ultimate source of power. Visit for more info on classes, workshops, private sessions, or guided meditations. Intro and ending music are by Master Zhi Gang Sha & Mr. Chun Yen Chiang, Soul Symphony of Yin Yang.

  • Forgiveness and Gratitude - the significance and meaning

    Forgiveness and Gratitude - the significance and meaning

    This message can really alter the course direction of one's life. Once we truly understand the value and importance of committing to Forgiveness and Gratitude for what is most difficult, our lives can change. Want to transform pain and suffering, try this method and watch results appear in front of you! The Hawaiian word ho'oponopono comes from ho'o ("to make") and pono ("right"). The repetition of the word pono means "doubly right" or being right with both self and others. Visit my website for an additional forgiveness practice which you can download. Visit for more info on classes, workshops, private sessions, or guided meditations. Intro and ending music is by Master Zhi Gang Sha & Mr. Chun Yen Chiang, Soul Symphony of Yin Yang.

  • Vibration and why it's so important

    Vibration and why it's so important

    We are familiar with energy, but how much do we understand the meaning of vibration. What does vibration mean in relationship to the human body and soul? Learn further how to increase one's vibration which improves the quality of life. Intro and ending music is by Master Zhi Gang Sha & Mr. Chun Yen Chiang, Soul Symphony of Yin Yang. Visit for more info on classes, workshops, private sessions, or guided meditations.

  • Soul's Contract and Vibrational Field- Why we incarnated

    Soul's Contract and Vibrational Field- Why we incarnated

    This message is about why we are here on the earth. How to understand the personal experiences we have. Why our life is malleable and able to change course direction. And how Covid-19 is related to or not related to our vibrational field. Intro and ending music is by Master Zhi Gang Sha & Mr. Chun Yen Chiang, Soul Symphony of Yin Yang. Visit for more info on classes, workshops, private sessions, or guided meditations.