Just Talkin'. A podcast by Julian Elchakieh AKA jmancurly.
Episodi del podcast
Stagione 1
Goatmilk #16 - Likee Music
Hey everyone! This episode of Goatmilk is very special! This is the first time I have contacted someone that I didn't know to come on the show. Likee has been creating home-made music since 2018 and has been gaining attention ever since. This episode covers fan interactions, his inspiration for coming up with songs, and a special announcement at the end of the episode. Big thanks to Likee for coming on the show.
Goatmilk #14 | How Does Social Media Affect Empathy? [Psych Project]
Hey everyone! This episode is a little bit different because it is actually my psychology project! We were assigned to choose a technology and research its influence on a cognitive process. This was a really interesting experience for me and I hope you enjoy it!