Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 1

  • F0124: I Saved RM1,000. What Now?? (With MrMoneyTV)

    F0124: I Saved RM1,000. What Now?? (With MrMoneyTV)

    In this session, we dive into the mind of Peter Yong, the founder of MrMoneyTV, to understand his personal motivations and strategies in managing money more effectively. Topics include: How can I grow my first RM1,000? Are ASB and ASM still good investments? I want save more. But how? What's the most sustainable way to increase income? Is it too late to buy crypto? Thoughts on Digital banks (GXBank, Rize, AEON Bank)? This session was conducted live on Instagram on Monday (24 June). Due to the platform's poor recording quality, some parts of the session are choppy and may seem skipped. We sincerely apologize for this. We are looking to conduct future sessions on Google Meet or Zoom. ---------- Timestamps (00:01:04) What was your missions on starting MrMoneyTV? (00:04:48) I saved up RM1,000. What should I do now? (00:09:07) Is investing in ASB/ASM still worth it? (00:14:55) What's a simple savings tip that everyone should know? (00:19:20) The importance of increasing income (00:27:40) What's the secret to staying motivated? (00:30:43) Are there any investments better than EPF? (00:34:55) Are Malaysian banks still good to buy/dollar cost average? (00:45:42) ETFs in Malaysia (00:46:34) Where to invest in the S&P in Malaysia? (00:49:26) Thoughts on the current crypto market (00:52:40) Should I buy/rent property? (00:56:33) Is investing in gold still worth it? (01:00:33) Are digital banks (Rize, GXBank, AEON Bank) good? (01:07:09) What if I started late on investing? (01:11:06) Thoughts on BRICS and its impacts on Malaysia? ---------- Previously a registered financial planner, Peter made the daring transition to start his own brand, MrMoneyTV, in 2019. Now, just five years later, MrMoneyTV is one of the top financial content creators in Malaysia, having amassed hundreds of thousands of subscribers on YouTube & TikTok, and over 50,000 followers on Instagram. Together with his partner CK Yap, the channel has been steadfast on their mission in making money matters simple for Malaysians. Subscribe to MrMoneyTV on YouTube. Follow MrMoneyTV on Instagram. ---------- Your time is valuable and you hate sifting through the web for information. We get it, so let us do the work for you. By joining our WhatsApp group, you’ll receive financial updates - best FD rates, currency movements, and more on a daily basis. ✅ 190+ people have joined, and only 2 unsubscribed (so far). ✅ We don’t spam. ✅ It’s $0.25/week. ✅ Pay monthly, cancel anytime. Try the First Week for Free: https://www.patreon.com/TheFuturizts -------------- DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. Nothing herein shall be construed as financial, legal, or tax advice. The opinions expressed in this podcast are solely those of the speakers.

  • F0123: Diesel and petrol subsidies to be removed soon. What now?? (With Financial Experts Hann and Sani)

    F0123: Diesel and petrol subsidies to be removed soon. What now?? (With Financial Experts Hann and Sani)

    On May 21, PM Anwar announced the cabinet’s decision to implement the subsidy rationalization for fuel. It will start with diesel first and apply to users in Peninsular Malaysia. The Prime Minister stressed that this move is targeted at foreigners and the rich, and will save the government RM4 billion annually. This means that diesel will be floated in the market really soon, which will see prices increase by 55%, from RM2.15/litre to RM3.33/litre. Along with financial experts Hann Liew and Sani Hamid, we discuss the details of what has been announced so far and how the new policies will impact you as a consumer. -------------- Timestamps: (00:01:16) Why is the government gradually removing blanket subsidies? (00:07:43) Do blanket subsidies exist in other countries (such as Singapore)? (00:13:48) Is smuggling and leakages the main reason for the government to remove blanket subsidies? (00:20:06) Will the removal of blanket subsidies lead to price increases? (00:28:22) Is it even a good time to remove subsidies especially with the recent SST increase and inflation? (00:34:23) Budi Madani - is it even a good initiative? (00:47:41) How would you remove subsidies to make sure that it is fair to everyone? (00:53:59) How can we as consumers brace ourselves for the inevitable price increase? (00:59:34) QnA Hann is a personal finance expert with over a decade of experience in the financial industry. Previously the CEO of RinggitPlus, he is qualified as a licensed financial planner (CFP) and a chartered financial analyst (CFA), and has helped tens of thousands of Malaysians on their path toward financial literacy. Hann is currently the founder of Halogen Capital, the world's first Shariah-compliant crypto fund that provides institutional exposure to Bitcoin. Our other speaker, Mr. Sani Hamid, is an economist and certified financial planner (CFA). He’s a frequent commentator in the media and has over 30 years of experience in the financial markets, having worked for companies such as S&P Ratings as a Director in the sovereign team overseeing the ratings of countries such as Indonesia, India, Malaysia, and Singapore. Hann’s socials: https://twitter.com/ooihann Sani’s socials: https://twitter.com/sanihamid -------------- Your time is valuable and you hate sifting through the web for information. We get it, so let us do the work for you. By joining our WhatsApp group, you’ll receive financial updates - best FD rates, currency movements, and more on a daily basis. ✅ 194 people have joined, and only 2 unsubscribed (so far). ✅ We don’t spam. ✅ It’s $0.25/week. ✅ Pay monthly, cancel anytime. Try the First Week for Free: https://www.patreon.com/TheFuturizts -------------- DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. Nothing herein shall be construed as financial, legal, or tax advice. The opinions expressed in this podcast are solely those of the speakers.

  • F0122: EPF Account 3 - Good or Bad?? (With Financial Experts Hann and Sani)

    F0122: EPF Account 3 - Good or Bad?? (With Financial Experts Hann and Sani)

    On 25 April, EPF officially announced Account 3, which is a new Account that will receive 10% of your monthly contributions. This account will allow members to withdraw the balance any time, and EPF said this was to replace targeted withdrawals. Old structure: 70% Account 1 (cannot be withdrawn until 55). 30% Account 2 (can be withdrawn early to pay for education, housing loan, and healthcare). New structure: 75% Account 1. 15% Account 2. 10% Account 3 (can be withdrawn any time). Along with financial experts Hann and Sani, we discussed the pros and cons of this move, plus tips on how to grow your retirement savings. -------------- Timestamps: (00:02:52) Thoughts on Account 3? Yay or Nay? (00:11:30) Could Acc 3 be the number 1 place to store emergency savings? (00:14:55) Differences between Malaysia's EPF and Singapore's CPF (00:26:19) Impacts of Acc 3 on EPF's future returns (00:35:28) How will voluntary contributions be distributed? (00:38:14) Will inflation rise due to Account 3? (00:42:45) What's going to happen to the ringgit? (00:44:27) Should I withdraw from Acc 3 to invest elsewhere? (00:50:55) Why you should not withdraw from Acc 3 to splurge (00:59:09) Let's talk about the wealth inequality (01:08:47) How can we as citizens increase our retirement savings? (01:19:15) QnA Hann is a personal finance expert with over a decade of experience in the financial industry. Previously the CEO of RinggitPlus, he is qualified as a licensed financial planner (CFP) and a chartered financial analyst (CFA), and has helped tens of thousands of Malaysians on their path toward financial literacy. Hann is currently the founder of Halogen Capital, the world's first Shariah-compliant crypto fund that provides institutional exposure to Bitcoin. Our other speaker, Mr. Sani Hamid, is an economist and certified financial planner (CFA). He’s a frequent commentator in the media and has over 30 years of experience in the financial markets, having worked for companies such as S&P Ratings as a Director in the sovereign team overseeing the ratings of countries such as Indonesia, India, Malaysia, and Singapore. Hann’s socials: https://twitter.com/ooihann Sani’s socials: https://twitter.com/sanihamid -------------- Your time is valuable and you hate sifting through the web for information. We get it, so let us do the work for you. By joining our WhatsApp group, you’ll receive financial updates - best FD rates, currency movements, and more on a daily basis. ✅ 164 people have joined, and only 2 unsubscribed (so far). ✅ We don’t spam. ✅ It’s $0.25/week. ✅ Pay monthly, cancel anytime. Try the First Week for Free: https://www.patreon.com/TheFuturizts -------------- DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. Nothing herein shall be construed as financial, legal, or tax advice. The opinions expressed in this podcast are solely those of the speakers.

  • F0121: How to Build Your Portfolio (with Financial Experts Hann and Sani)

    F0121: How to Build Your Portfolio (with Financial Experts Hann and Sani)

    Gold, ASB/ASM, stocks, FDs – what do these have in common? They are all part of a diversified portfolio to help you maximize your returns. But how do you determine what percentage to allocate in each asset? Where else can you invest? Most importantly, when should you take profits? In this session, ex-investment banker Hann Liew and economist Sani Hamid discuss how to build a portfolio that maximizes your returns, gold’s remarkable rally, and more. -------------- Timestamps: (00:01:36) Why is Gold up 15.48% since January? (00:10:54) 5-10% of gold in your portfolio is sufficient. (00:16:13) How to build a well diversified portfolio (00:24:46) The "Sleep at Night" test (00:28:16) Types of portfolios and their ratios (00:36:13) Starting with RM1,000 (or smaller) (00:45:29) 1-3% crypto in your portfolio will tremendously increase returns (00:58:42) The secret to taking profits without feeling guilty (01:04:46) QNA Session (jackpot money, ASB Financing, etc.). -------------- Hann is a personal finance expert with over a decade of experience in the financial industry. Previously the CEO of RinggitPlus, he is qualified as a licensed financial planner (CFP) and a chartered financial analyst (CFA), and has helped tens of thousands of Malaysians on their path toward financial literacy. Hann is currently the founder of Halogen Capital, the world's first Shariah-compliant crypto fund that provides institutional exposure to Bitcoin. Our other speaker, Mr. Sani Hamid, is an economist and certified financial planner (CFA). He’s a frequent commentator in the media and has over 30 years of experience in the financial markets, having worked for companies such as S&P Ratings as a Director in the sovereign team overseeing the ratings of countries such as Indonesia, India, Malaysia, and Singapore. Hann’s socials: https://twitter.com/ooihann Sani’s socials: https://twitter.com/sanihamid -------------- Your time is valuable and you hate sifting through the web for information. We get it, so let us do the work for you. By joining our WhatsApp group, you’ll receive financial updates - best FD rates, currency movements, and more on a daily basis. ✅ 164 people have joined, and only 2 unsubscribed (so far). ✅ We don’t spam. ✅ It’s $0.25/week. ✅ Pay monthly, cancel anytime. Try the First Week for Free: https://www.patreon.com/TheFuturizts -------------- DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. Nothing herein shall be construed as financial, legal, or tax advice. The opinions expressed in this podcast are solely those of the speakers.

  • F0120: SGDMYR has gained 15.46% in 2 years. Why does it only go up?? (With Economist Sani Hamid)

    F0120: SGDMYR has gained 15.46% in 2 years. Why does it only go up?? (With Economist Sani Hamid)

    It seems like every other day, the Singapore dollar is making a new all-time high. Since the start of the year, the SGDMYR pair has rallied by 2.45% to RM3.5745. In the recent two years, the Sing dollar improved 15.46%, representing an annual return of 7.45%. This return is higher than EPF and 87% of unit trusts in Malaysia. In this episode, we invite Sani Hamid, an economist and certified financial planner with over 30 years in the markets, to discuss the declining ringgit and why the Singapore dollar only goes up. Watch the full presentation on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kFRoblFHK8 ------------------ Mr. Sani Hamid is an economist and certified financial planner (CFA). He is a frequent commentator in the media and has over 30 years of experience in the financial markets, having worked for companies such as S&P Ratings as a Director in the sovereign team overseeing the ratings of countries such as Indonesia, India, Malaysia, and Singapore. Sani’s socials: https://twitter.com/sanihamid ------------------ Your time is valuable and you hate sifting through the web for information. We get it, so let us do the work for you. By joining our WhatsApp group, you’ll receive financial updates - best FD rates, currency movements, and more on a daily basis. ✅ 102 people have joined, and only 2 unsubscribed (so far). ✅ We don’t spam. ✅ It’s $0.25/week. ✅ Pay monthly, cancel anytime. Try the First Week for Free: https://www.patreon.com/TheFuturizts ------------------ DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. Nothing herein shall be construed as financial, legal, or tax advice. The opinions expressed in this podcast are solely those of the speakers.