Faith•Full Podcast

di Ajah Jolly

Is your heart searching for fulfillment? Is your spirit nudged to have more faith or replenishment? Do you desire to know what plan God has for your life? Are you searching for the light at the end of the tunnel? Welcome to the faith•full podcast! I'm your host, Ajahlexi aka AJ. Some of you might recognize me as ajahlexiproductions, the creative eye behind some of Chicago's beloved businesses and influencers, or from the Fee ... 

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Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 1

  • Seeking External Validation is UNFULL•FILLING.

    Seeking External Validation is UNFULL•FILLING.

    Welcome back to another episode of the Faith•Full Podcast. This week we I dive into a life-changing revelation that I received around the topic of external validation. In a society and world where we find temporary fulfillment in validation from external forces, I will share how this unhealthy cycle has been a hinderance in my life. I'll share newfound wisdom on the topic as a whole. I'll break down how it plays a huge role with our faith in God and internal faith within ourselves. As you navigate this episode I encourage you to reflect on your personal validation process. You will leave understanding the difference between healthy validation versus unhealthy validation - knowing that true fufill•ment in this process comes from within and the one who created you. God. <3

  • Live More PEACE•FULL

    Live More PEACE•FULL

    This week on the Faith•Full Podcast we delve into the topic of peace, exploring its significance in our lives and the pathways to embodying it fully. Inspired by a recent profound sense of peace, we reflect on the journey towards experiencing and embodying peace in our lives. Exploring Peace: Peace transcends worldly possessions; it surpasses the allure of money, success, and personal achievements. Defining peace as freedom from emotional and mental turmoil, we ponder its spiritual connotations and its contrast with inner conflicts. Cultivating Inner Peace: Embracing kindness, compassion, non-judgment, acceptance, patience, and trust lays the foundation for peace within. Kindness fosters joy and optimism, leaving a positive impact on others. Compassion facilitates understanding and connection, nurturing peace, love, and belonging. Acceptance liberates us from the burden of control and perfectionism, clearing mental and emotional space for peace. Finding Peace in Patience: Patience, intertwined with faith, empowers us to choose trust over fear, fostering inner calmness. Surrendering control and embracing faith allows us to navigate life's uncertainties with peace and confidence. Cultivating Everyday Peace: Mindfulness, deep breathing, daily forgiveness, gratitude, and acceptance serve as daily practices to nurture peace. Connecting with nature, embracing authenticity, maintaining a positive mindset, and practicing presence contribute to a life filled with peace. In conclusion cultivating peace is a transformative journey that requires practice, humility, and a willingness to let go of ego. Yet, the peace attained through that surpasses understanding, enriching every aspect of our lives.

  • Processing Purpose in its FULL•NESS

    Processing Purpose in its FULL•NESS

    Episode notes Welcome back to Episode 2 of the Faith•Full Podcast, on this episode we will embark on a journey to explore the profound question: "What is my purpose?" In this episode, we'll challenge conventional notions and delve into the idea that purpose isn't about reaching a fixed destination but rather about embracing a dynamic process of self-discovery and growth. By maintaining an authentic connection with our inner selves and spirituality, we can thrive wherever life plants us. Purpose is not a static endpoint but rather a dynamic journey filled with opportunities for personal evolution. Our focus should be on the process itself, as it yields the most rewarding outcomes. Three Paths to Finding Purpose We'll explore three avenues through which purpose can be discovered: Being and Knowing Your Worth: Recognizing that our value lies not in what we do but in who we are. Understanding that every circumstance has a purpose, and we bring value wherever we are planted. Pain Gives Purpose: Our past struggles can become sources of passion and purpose as we use our experiences to help others. Faith serves as a guiding light through life's uncertainties. Passions, Interests, and Strengths: Purpose can be found in our passions, interests, and unique strengths. By tapping into these areas, we can discover fulfilling paths forward. Ending off with two questions to reflect on as you navigate your personal walk with purpose.

  • Activate the FULL•NESS of your Faith

    Activate the FULL•NESS of your Faith

    Welcome to the Faith•Full podcast with your host Ajah. I hope your cups are ready because on the premiere episode we will delve into the concept of faith, self-discovery, and the divinity within. We explore the intricate dance between faith in God and faith in oneself, illuminating the journey of recognizing the Spirit of God within and reclaiming the true essence of one's being. By acknowledging the inherent duality within each of us — the interplay of light and dark. Just as day fades into night, we too possess both aspects within our souls. Embracing this dichotomy is vital to understanding the complexities of our existence and the depth of our faith. Acknowledging the Darkness: We begin by acknowledging the reality of darkness in our lives — the times of struggle, pain, and uncertainty that threaten to engulf us. These dark seasons test the very essence of our being, pushing us to the edge of despair. Embracing Vulnerability: In the midst of darkness, vulnerability becomes our greatest ally. It is in embracing our vulnerabilities that we find the courage to confront our pain and confront the shadows that linger within. By acknowledging our struggles, we open ourselves up to healing and transformation. Learning to Trust Yourself Through Healing: Developing self-trust can feel overwhelming, particularly if we've strayed from our authentic selves. However, authentic healing starts with nurturing trust — in our capabilities, intuition, and most importantly, in the unfolding divine purpose. As we journey through healing, we gradually accept our vulnerabilities, inviting faith to penetrate every shadowy corner. Reclaiming your True Essence: When we journey inward, we learn to peel back who we think we are or who we need to be and reveal the true essence of who we are. It is here, in the depths of our being, that we find our connection to God — a connection that transcends time and space, anchoring us in the unshakeable truth of our Divinity. Recognizing the Spirit of God Within: Amidst the chaos of life's journey, lies the gentle whisper of the Divine spirit within us. It is the essence of God, intricately woven into the creation of our being, guiding us towards our true purpose. Activating this Spirit is akin to unveiling the hidden treasure within ourselves, marking the path towards profound self-discovery and spiritual growth. Intimacy with God: Intimacy with God transcends mere religious rituals; it is a deeply personal journey of communion with the divine. It is in these moments of intimacy that we experience the unconditional love and acceptance of God as we walk through this journey called life. In closing, we remember that faith in God and faith in oneself are not separate entities but rather two sides of the same coin. By recognizing the Spirit of God within us, learning to trust ourselves through healing and intimacy with the divine, we embark on a sacred journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. May we all have the courage to embrace our light and reclaim the true essence of who we are — divine beings made in the image of God.