Dumpster Wreck Show

di The Accidental Monster

It's a dumpster fire, train wreck sh** show of a life sometimes. Hi, my online name is TAM, and this is a podcast about the crap shoot that is my mind and life.

Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 1

  • Time Flies

    Time Flies

    The anxiety spiral continues, creating a gap between me and all the things I want to do. Let's address that one, shall we? There IS hope. I think.MonsterAlley.com

  • This Is Abuse

    This Is Abuse

    Ever wonder why the brain comes up with those crappy thoughts in the first place? Small miracle my mind redacts most of them before they come out of my mouth- or in an email.

  • Going Backwards

    Going Backwards

    Man, I didn't even get a WEEK in, and already my brain decided it was time to undo all those good vibes and start freaking out over productivity again. Sigh.Check me out elsewhere: (https://medium.com/@theaccidentalmonster) or TAMonsterAlley.com

  • For Myself

    For Myself

    It's time to get serious about creating, and leave the rest of that noise behind. Took me long enough, eh? ;) Check me out on Medium: (https://medium.com/@theaccidentalmonster) or TAMonsterAlley.com

  • I Killed My Cat


    I Killed My Cat


    What's kept me away from doing anything for nearly two weeks. It's long because I'm reading this article here: https://medium.com/real-stories/i-killed-my-cat-1ab9ed427b4a