CX Goalkeeper with Michael Brandt - S1E31 is about CX in B2B

THE CX GOALKEEPER - Transformation, Customer Experience, and Leadership Goals di Gregorio Uglioni

Note sull'episodio

The CX Goalkeeper had a smart discussion with Michael Brandt

My learnings:

  • There are a lot of CX trainings on the market. There is a need for proper recognition of the good ones.

  • The ECXO – European Customer Experience Organization has 500 members. It allows a forum for CX practitioners and CX professionals to discuss in their languages with an European flavor.

Difference between B2B and B2C:

  • It is not only one customer you need to convince several people (purchasing committee) about your product.

  • Consider the product life-cycle

  • Ensure the replacement of the existing product with the next one after the contract ends.

The relationship manager needs an in depth relationships with the customer (it’s not a ... 

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