CX Goalkeeper with Stacy Sherman - S1E12 is about humanity in business, employee engagement and metrics

CX GOALKEEPER - Customer Experience Goals di Gregorio Uglioni

Note sull'episodio

The CX Goalkeeper had a smart discussion with Stacy Sherman

Stacy Sherman is a mom of two fabulous kids and a Schnoodle dog. Fan of Simon Sinek. She is applying Simon’s WHY principles every day & mentoring others to do the same. Stacy is passionate about inclusion & thought diversity (as happy employees lead to happy customers.) She doesn’t just talk. She is a doer such as: launching “Women Leaders Making A Difference” community because she knows that small actions lead to big impacts. Stacy is the founder of DoingCXRight and at the same time she is Head of Customer Experience & Employee Engagement at a big corporate.

Key learnings:

  • It is important to bringing people, i.e., humans, to the table as we are designing, implementing and deploying new experiences

  • Technology is not the solution. I ... 

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