Note sull'episodio

Experience the thrill of first-person-shooter video game in a board game with Project: Elite, a game designed by Konstantinos Kokkinis, Marco Portugal and Sotirios Tsantilas, and published by CMON Global Limited and Artipia Games.


Game overview – 6 :04

Basic concepts – 7 :30

Game setup – 14 :44

Phases of the game – 19 :30

Event phase – 19 :59

Alien spawning phase – 21 :54

Action phase – 28 :44

Equipment – 37 :10

Line of sights, events, objectives, and end of action phase – 43:58

Alien activation phase – 47:47

End of round phase & winning or losing – 51:36

Chapter credit

Voice, editing and music production: Mathieu Labrosse

Photography: Fannie de Lorenzi-Valente

Parole chiave
dungeon crawlerreal time gamesproject elitecmon gamesartipia games