Financial Advisors Say The Darndest Things

di A.B. Ridgeway

Looking for Christian Counsel on Money Matters?

This podcast provides Christian Stewards like you with professional insights about creating a Financial Plan and strengthening your bond with God, all from a biblical perspective.

Each episode is based on current news events and insights around the 4 pillars of Christian Investing:

-Debt Management


- Investing and

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Episodi del podcast

  • Is This A Christian Wedding or P. Diddy Party?

    Is This A Christian Wedding or P. Diddy Party?


  • Charles Barkley SHARES the SECRET to Staying Rich During and after NBA Career with Shannon Sharpe (#248)

    Charles Barkley SHARES the SECRET to Staying Rich During and after NBA Career with Shannon Sharpe (#248)

    Episode Summary: In this episode, Charles Barkley shares insights on financial responsibility, drawing from his personal experiences and lessons learned as a former NBA player. He discusses the common pitfalls that lead to financial ruin among athletes and emphasizes the importance of wise money management for long-term sustainability. Key Takeaways: Long-Term Financial Planning: Barkley underscores the significance of planning for the future by highlighting the need to prioritize financial stability over short-term indulgences. He warns against overspending on luxury items like multiple cars, stressing the importance of making money last a lifetime. Avoiding Materialism: Barkley challenges the culture of materialism by advocating for a shift towards valuing personal development over conspicuous consumption. He encourages listeners to focus on building character and reputation rather than seeking validation through material possessions. Family Financial Boundaries: Barkley offers valuable advice on setting boundaries with family and friends when it comes to financial support. He advises against shouldering the financial burdens of others indiscriminately, emphasizing the importance of preserving one's own financial well-being. Resisting Peer Pressure: Barkley highlights the dangers of succumbing to peer pressure and societal expectations, particularly within the context of financial decisions. He encourages listeners to resist the urge to keep up with others' spending habits and instead prioritize responsible financial choices. Investing in Self-Development: Barkley underscores the value of investing in oneself through education, personal growth, and philanthropy. He suggests that true status and respect are earned through contributions to society rather than through material possessions. Notable Quotes: "Just because you have the money doesn't mean you need to spend it." "The regression back to zero is where you're going to hurt yourself." "You can raise your status by doing good deeds, giving charity, and being an outstanding citizen." 💵Sign up for a Christian Finance Consultation and create your Financial Plan Today! *Disclaimer: This communication is not intended as an offer or solicitation to buy, hold or sell any financial instrument or investment advisory services. Any information provided has been obtained from sources considered reliable, but we do not guarantee the accuracy or the completeness of any description of securities, markets or developments mentioned. This is strictly for information purposes. We recommend you speak with a professional financial advisor. Video Credit and Rights Club Shay Shay:

  • Is the NEW Costco Food Court Rule for Non-Members too STRICT? (#247)

    Is the NEW Costco Food Court Rule for Non-Members too STRICT? (#247)

    A.B. Ridgeway delves into the recent changes in Costco's food court policy and its implications for both members and non-members. As Costco tightens its membership requirements to access food court deals, A.B. explores the economic reasoning behind this decision and its potential impact on consumers. Key Takeaways: Costco's Membership Strategy: A.B. outlines Costco's strategy of using the food court as a "loss leader" to attract customers, emphasizing the importance of membership fees to the company's profitability. Impact on Consumer Behavior: The episode explores how changes in Costco's food court policy may influence consumer spending habits and perceptions of value, particularly for non-members accustomed to accessing low-cost meals. Economic Rationality: A.B. discusses the economic rationale behind Costco's decision to restrict food court access, highlighting the company's aim to maintain the value proposition of membership and drive revenue growth. Customer Experience: The episode touches on the significance of customer experience in retail environments, with Costco aiming to ensure a positive end-to-end experience for members while balancing cost considerations. Implications for Budget-Conscious Consumers: A.B. reflects on the potential implications of Costco's policy change for budget-conscious consumers, urging listeners to consider alternative ways to save on dining expenses. Quotes: "We don't feel it's right that non-members receive the same benefits and pricing as our members." "People remember their first experience when they walk in, which is with a smile and a warm welcome, and they remember the last part, which is walking out full, satisfied, and not hungry and fatigued." "It's sad, but it looks like people are going to have to find a new way to eat on a budget." 💵Sign up for a Christian Finance Consultation and create your Financial Plan Today! *Disclaimer: This communication is not intended as an offer or solicitation to buy, hold or sell any financial instrument or investment advisory services. Any information provided has been obtained from sources considered reliable, but we do not guarantee the accuracy or the completeness of any description of securities, markets or developments mentioned. This is strictly for information purposes. We recommend you speak with a professional financial advisor. video credit:

  • Christianity Lite- Are We Practicing A Watered-Down Gospel? (#246)

    Christianity Lite- Are We Practicing A Watered-Down Gospel? (#246)

    Episode Summary: In this episode of "Financial Advisors Say the Darndest Things," host A.B. Ridgway discusses the pervasive trend of diluting Christianity, paralleled with the commercialization of "lite" versions of various products. Drawing from Glenn Berto's book "Christianity Liked: Stop Drinking a Watered Down Gospel," Ridgway emphasizes the necessity of returning to the authentic gospel message, challenging listeners to embrace a life of grace-inspired obedience rather than seeking a comfortable, customized faith experience. Key Takeaways: The Deceptive Allure of Christianity Lite: Ridgway highlights how modern Christians often gravitate towards a diluted version of Christianity, seeking comfort and convenience over true spiritual transformation. Embracing Radical Transformation: The episode underscores the core message of the gospel – Jesus' call to radical life change and obedience, rather than mere enhancement of a self-centered lifestyle. Addressing Uncomfortable Truths: Ridgway encourages listeners to confront uncomfortable truths rather than succumbing to the allure of a superficial faith experience, emphasizing the importance of authentic repentance and obedience. Parody and Cultural Commentary: Through a humorous skit parodying the concept of "Christianity Lite," the episode critiques societal attitudes towards faith and challenges listeners to reevaluate their commitment to genuine Christianity. Warning Against Spiritual Compromise: The episode concludes with a sobering reminder of the potential consequences of embracing a watered-down faith, urging listeners to reject compromise and embrace the transformative power of the true gospel. Quotes: "We have watered down, decaffeinated, and diluted the message of the gospel until it really has no effect on our lives or the lives of others." "If the gospel of God makes someone uncomfortable, then maybe they aren't doing the right thing, and making them feel better will not fix the problem." "One of the biggest tricks of the devil is to convince you that the evil things that you do are actually good for you." 💵Sign up for a Christian Finance Consultation and create your Financial Plan Today! YouTube Video: *Disclaimer: This communication is not intended as an offer or solicitation to buy, hold or sell any financial instrument or investment advisory services. Any information provided has been obtained from sources considered reliable, but we do not guarantee the accuracy or the completeness of any description of securities, markets or developments mentioned. This is strictly for information purposes. We recommend you speak with a professional financial advisor. Video Credit: Book:

  • Suze Orman Calls 4% Rule DANGEROUS for Retirement (#245)

    Suze Orman Calls 4% Rule DANGEROUS for Retirement (#245)

    Episode Summary: The primary fear of many Christian investors is running out of money in retirement. In this episode, Ridgeway explores the concept of the 4% retirement rule and its implications in today's economic climate, drawing insights from financial experts like Suze Orman. Key Takeaways: The 4% Retirement Rule: Ridgeway explains the origin of the 4% retirement rule, coined by financial planner Bill Bengen, which suggests retirees can safely withdraw 4% of their retirement savings annually. However, recent critiques by experts like Suze Orman have labeled it as "very dangerous." Economic Volatility and Withdrawal Rates: Orman advises caution in relying solely on the 4% rule, advocating for lower withdrawal rates, especially in times of economic uncertainty. She emphasizes the importance of adjusting withdrawal rates based on individual circumstances and market conditions. Personalized Financial Planning: Ridgeway stresses the need for personalized financial planning, highlighting the significance of considering various sources of income, such as Social Security and annuities, alongside retirement savings. He encourages listeners to work with financial professionals to tailor their withdrawal strategies accordingly. Long-Term Financial Sustainability: Orman suggests that withdrawing the least amount possible from retirement accounts can lead to better long-term financial sustainability. This approach aligns with the idea of adjusting withdrawal rates to ensure financial security throughout retirement, especially amid economic fluctuations. Working with Professionals: Ridgeway emphasizes the value of seeking guidance from financial advisors to navigate retirement planning effectively. He underscores the importance of ongoing evaluation and adjustment of withdrawal strategies to adapt to changing financial landscapes. Quotes: "Susie Orman calls the 4% retirement rule very dangerous. These are dog whistles for those who are preparing for retirement." "People love these hyperboles. I would never, I always, this is amazing. This is horrible. This is just trying to stir up emotions. It's not that serious." "Find the figure, find out what works for you, trial and error, year over year, work with a professional, simple." 💵Sign up for a Christian Finance Consultation and create your Financial Plan Today! *Disclaimer: This communication is not intended as an offer or solicitation to buy, hold or sell any financial instrument or investment advisory services. Any information provided has been obtained from sources considered reliable, but we do not guarantee the accuracy or the completeness of any description of securities, markets or developments mentioned. This is strictly for information purposes. We recommend you speak with a professional financial advisor. Article: