
#234 Bethany King Real Estate Broker who built her professional network and business using Tik Tok

The Construction Life por Manny Neves

Notas del episodio

What an amazing show we have today, Bethany King, threw herself into real estate after being laid off a job she loved, quitting a safe, secure, soul sucking federal government job, realizing as a millennial she needs to make more money to be able to buy her own home one day, she asked herself several questions and went searching for all the answers. Then came Tik Tok and she used the platform to build her network and in turn create sales, all the while never selling herself. She focused on sharing what she was learning with anyone and everyone that would listen and relate to her as a single mom. As we all know there are so many of us in the exact same real estate, mortgage approval, making ends meet, boat.

Don’t miss this great show and we promise you, the insight on this show will make you move your ass and go after what you des ... 

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