Notas del episodio

My book, The Spiritual Entrepreneur, is for anyone who has started a spiritual business or who is thinking about starting one. Ideal for entrepreneurial artists, coaches, healers, therapists, producers of holistic products, and indeed anyone wanting to engage more fully with this journey.

This book is a practical guide for anyone wishing to: Gain a clear sense of vision and direction for their business, Align their core values with their business. Go beyond struggle and scarcity in their business, Become more visible by moving beyond resistance, Expand what they think is possible for their business, Enhance their business energetically, Use intuition and feedback from the world, Connect with their support team in Spirit, Allow their business to be creative play, Allow more ease, flow, and grace, Activate their multidimensional gifts, Attrac ... 

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Palabras clave
spiritualityStarseedpersonal powerabundancewealthprosperityWorkBlessingsoulMagician5D AscensionCreativityMiracles