Letter #9: Screwtape Letters - Confronting Evil in Our Time

The Screwtape Letters: Confronting Evil in Our Time por Ian Faith, Galen Balinski, C.S. Lewis

Notas del episodio

In this episode, letter 9 C.S. Lewis's The Screwtape Letters, the hosts explore the strategies that Screwtape, a senior demon, advises his nephew Wormwood to employ against humans during their low points in life. This letter continues themes from Letter Eight, focusing on the ups and downs of life, which Lewis refers to as the "law of undulation."

Screwtape emphasizes that during these troughs, people are more vulnerable to temptations like alcohol, sex, and pornography, seeking momentary escapes that lead to deeper emptiness. The concept of "the law of undulation" is key—recognizing life's natural highs and lows and how the enemy uses these troughs to his advantage.

We discuss the importance of community and avoiding isolation during tough times. Screwtape advises against "religion in moderation," pushing the idea that full ... 

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Palabras clave
c. s. LewisScrewtape LetterschristianChristRelationshipsC.S. LewisWormwoodLetter #9