Redefining Masculinity

por Adam Howard

Redefining Masculinity is an action project led by research assistants based around the key findings of Adam Howard’s newest study which goes into the secret worlds of American elite all-boys schools. Through the eyes of 127 recent alumni, we see the practices and relations involved in making privileged boys into elite men and the central role of privileged brotherhoods in this process. Several research assistants have worke ... 

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Episodios del podcast

  • Fitting the Mold: A Collective Sense of Belonging at Elite All-Boys Schools

    Fitting the Mold: A Collective Sense of Belonging at Elite All-Boys Schools

    What if I told you a trans feminine identifying student thrived at an all-boys school? Outsiders might ask, how the hell could she have felt at home with a sense of belonging in this hyper-masculine setting? She was one of the most well respected and popular students at a school ruled by athletics, camaraderie, brotherhood and unity. In this episode, we explore this story and how one student defied societal stereotypes and succeeded at an all-boys school, despite what most would have thought.

  • Fight Club: Violence & Masculinity at Elite All-Boys Schools

    Fight Club: Violence & Masculinity at Elite All-Boys Schools

    What if I told you the movie Fight Club was not just a movie? What if I told you actual fight clubs took place at elite all-boys schools, and were sanctioned by members of the faculty? The presence of these fight clubs at elite all-boys schools raises the question: Is violence an innate feature of masculinity?

  • A Series of Games: Competition at Elite All-Boys Schools

    A Series of Games: Competition at Elite All-Boys Schools

    What if I told you everything in life was just a series of games? Wins and losses. All or nothing. Everything is about gaining a step on others. And that if we don’t, our competitors will win all the glory. Is it really that straightforward? Today, we look at elite all boys schools. Examining the intense competition within them and how it shapes a student’s views on the world. Specifically how the competition intertwined in their educational experiences affects their capacity to act on the world. So tune in today as we think about the question: Is life just a big series of games?