Reading the Globe #023: China Censors Spidey; NYTimes Wrong on Roe

Reading the Globe: A weekly digest of the most important news, ideas and culture around the world. por Michael Washburn

Notas del episodio

Censorship in China

Censorship in communist China extends further than some may realize. The repressive regime in Beijing seeks to extirpate not only speech and writing that contravene its dogmas, but even symbols that might give viewers the wrong idea.

An article by Zachary Evans in National Review Online on May 2 details how China’s censors demanded that Sony cut the Statue of Liberty from the climax of Spider-Man: No Way Home. Evans notes that the monument is on view throughout the 20-minute climax. In the view of Chinese censors, it is unacceptable for viewers to take in, even subliminally, this image of freedom.

The Times Gets It Wrong, Ag ... 

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