Guests: Dr. Eli Meyer, AquaBiomics/Dr. Andrew Bouwma, Science Educator/Hobbyist

Rappin' With ReefBum por Keith Berkelhamer

Notas del episodio

Rappin' With ReefBum is a LIVE talk show with host Keith Berkelhamer and guests from the reef keeping community. In this episode I chat with Dr. Eli Meyer from AquaBiomics and Dr. Andrew Bouwma, a science educator and hobbyist.

Eli is a coral biologist and aquarium hobbyist and he owns AquaBiomics. AquaBiomics can analyze the microbiome of an aquarium using DNA sequencing. So they can diagnose issues & identify strategies for promoting a healthy microbiome.

Andy has a Ph.D. in Zoology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and has published research on tropical ecology and science education. For the last 16 years, Andy has focused on teaching a variety of university courses in biology and conservation. Andy has kept aquariums for his whole life but started focusing on saltwater about 12 years ago. Andy currently maintains severa ... 

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Palabras clave
dr eli meyer aquabiomicsaquabiomicsaquabiomics microbiome testdr andrew bouwmalex inverts