Shabbat: The Secret to Experiencing True Freedom

Nourish Your Biblical Roots with Yael Eckstein por Charisma Podcast Network

Notas del episodio

What does it mean to be truly free? As Christian theologian Karl Barth wrote, “A being is free only when it can determine and limit its activity.” And in the Jewish faith, that’s what observing the Sabbath is all about. In this second episode in her five-part series on the Sabbath, host Yael Eckstein explores why setting boundaries around time and activities on the Sabbath actually frees her to focus on what’s most important — connecting with God and with each other. Join Yael as she unpacks one of the biggest misunderstandings about the Jewish observance of the Sabbath -- all the prohibitions that surround this sacred day and what it means to actually refrain from work and just rest. As Yael explains, setting healthy boundaries can transform our lives and set us on the path to true freedom.