Notas del episodio

When a co-worker announces that she will be taking maternity leave, there's a celebration. Of course her job is safe and there's a plan to cover for her while she's out. What happens when your Dad has a stroke and needs you for support and care?

Employees are choosing in record numbers to retire early, pass up promotions, or find part-time work so that they can care for aging parents or spouses. Others cannot afford to stop working, so they burn the candle at both ends while juggling work and caregiving. While unpaid leave may be available at large companies, employers will have to get more creative with accommodating family caregiving responsibilities if they want to retain talent.

This changing need of the workforce is growing against the backdrop of care facilities under great strain. This episode focuses on those who are still ... 

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Palabras clave
elder lawlong term careaginglater in life planningcaregivingparentcare