It's Only Sex, Mom!Explícito

por IOSM Podcast

A podcast where we talk about the science, anthropology, sociology, and psychology of sex.

Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 1

  • Evangelical Purity - Part 1


    Evangelical Purity - Part 1


    In this episode we’ll be discussing the history of the Evangelical Church’s view of purity and how their messaging has changed to appeal to modern teens.

  • Fetishized Virginity


    Fetishized Virginity


    People say that sex sells, well, a lack-thereof also does. This episode is an exploration on the sexual obsession with purity and the industries that monetize it.

  • Hymen Hype


    Hymen Hype


    In this episode we talk about the basic info on the hymen and what the cultural significance of this little piece of skin is.

  • What Is Virginity?


    What Is Virginity?


    Have you ever really stopped to think about what “virginity” really means? In this first episode we’re going to take a look at the history of the word and how the definition fits into our modern society.