For the love of light with Chris Henderson

Human Source Codex por Kellie Rhea - Torus School of Wisdom

Notas del episodio

Chris Henderson is a ‘Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner’, who focuses on coaching clients to implement lab testing, supplement protocols, diet, lifestyle strategies and stress reduction principles to optimise their health. Chris also includes education on the effect of light exposures, both natural and artificial, in particular how this impacts the body’s biochemical, hormonal and circadian rhythms. His passion in this area has led him to branch out into group presentations educating the public about light and EMF's as well as working in a partnership to develop healthier lighting solutions that assist in maintaining healthier function when people are indoors. Here is also a link you can share to our EMF Made Simple Course, we are doing a launch webinar next ... 

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Palabras clave
healthquantum mechanicslight