RBC Climate Action Institute’s View of SMRs

Flux Capacitor por Francis Bradley

Notas del episodio

RBC Senior Vice-President, John Stackhouse and Senior Manager, Clean Technology, Vivan Sorab, principal author of the report “Think Small: How Canada can make small modular reactors a priority,” in conversation with host Francis Bradley about the principal findings and recommendations of their report. The conversation includes an overview of SMR technology, the state of progress in their deployment, and likely applications in Canada. They also discuss the path ahead, including the needed investments, Indigenous partnerships and social license, as well as an indication of issues the Institute is currently addressing. They close the conversation with Vivan and John’s recommendations for additions to the Flux Capacitor Book Club.


RBC report “Think Small:: How Canada can make small modular nuclear reactors a priority”:

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Palabras clave
canadatechnologysmall nuclear reactor