Fitness in PhilosophyExplícito

por James Fitzgerald and Robby Gustin

The Fitness in Philosophy podcast is dedicated to discussing the intersection between concepts in philosophy and their connection with fitness. Each episode we talk about a particular philosophical concept like autonomy, knowledge, virtue, or truth and discuss how that idea connects with coaching fitness, participating in fitness as an individual, and fitness culture at large. It's hosted by OPEX Fitness Founder James Fitzgera ...   ...  Leer más

Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 4

  • Independence and Fitness


    Independence and Fitness


    As Alasdair MacIntyre famously said, human beings are dependent rational animals. The "dependent" part is significant. We often fail to see how dependent we are on basic things like food, water, oxygen, social structure, etc. We often crave independence from certain things, but the truth is that at a very deep and fundamental humans are dependent beings. In this episode, where we focus on independence, James and Robby discuss the concept of independence and its relationship with fitness. They ask and attempt to answer the following questions -what is independence? -how much independence are we really capable of as humans? -with regard to fitness are we more independent if we don't utilize are coach or personal trainer? -are we more independent beings if we don't rely on fitness apps and equipment? -is the highest order goal of fitness independence/autonomy? If you like the show, please leave us a review. They really do help. Have any thoughts, comments or questions? You can email us at Want to purchase Fitness in Philosophy T-Shirts? You can purchase them from the following link.·

  • Dependence and Fitness


    Dependence and Fitness


    As Alasdair MacIntyre famously said, human beings are dependent rational animals. The "dependent" part is significant. We often fail to see how dependent we are on basic things like food, water, oxygen, social structure, etc. We often crave independence from certain things, but the truth is that at a very deep and fundamental humans are dependent beings. In this episode James and Robby discuss the concept of dependence and its relationship with fitness. They ask and attempt to answer the following questions -what is dependence? -is being dependent good, bad, or morally neutral? Does it depend on the context? -is dependence binary or does it exist on a spectrum? -have we become too dependent in fitness on coaches, apps, programs, etc.? -what are appropriate forms of dependence in the health and wellness space? For example many of us depend on refrigeration, grocery stores, and appliances to make and eat healthy food? -is the highest order goal of fitness independence/autonomy? If you like the show, please leave us a review. They really do help. Have any thoughts, comments or questions? You can email us at Want to purchase Fitness in Philosophy T-Shirts? You can purchase them from the following link.·

  • Defenders of the Faith and Fitness


    Defenders of the Faith and Fitness


    In this episode, James and Robby explore the connection between the philosophy of Alasdair MacIntyre, and more specifically his book "After Virtue", and its connection with fitness. In his book "After Virtue" MacIntyre asks us to imagine there was some sort of catastrophe by which all of our scientific knowledge came to be destroyed. Eventually enlightened people try to restore that knowledge but all they have are fragments of the past. For example they know objects near the surface of the Earth fall at 9.8m/s2 but they don’t know the why behind it (gravity) MacIntyre argues that we are in exactly this situation with regard to the language of morality these days. In this situation what we call modern morality or ethics is divorced from the original intention of morality where the idea was to achieve the highest good one could in this life through being virtuous. How does this connect to fitness? We're actually in a very similar situation with regard to fitness knowledge currently. All we have is fragments of "cardio", "strength", or "vegetables contain fiber" without an overarching framework to unite all those pieces. Although in this case of fitness this overarching framework to unite everything, namely evolutionary biology, does exist few people recognize and follow through with the true implications of it. MacIntyre also argues that the way forward in this type of world for morality is small monastic communities that are "defenders of the faith" so to speak. Similarly with fitness there are small enclaves of people who fight for the "vitality" model of fitness and use evolutionary biology to guide it. If you like the show, please leave us a review. They really do help. Have any thoughts, comments or questions? You can email us at Want to purchase Fitness in Philosophy T-Shirts? You can purchase them from the following link.·

  • Social Reality and Fitness-(Episode LX)


    Social Reality and Fitness-(Episode LX)


    Most people would agree that things like rocks, tables, chairs, the sun, and oceans are all real. By real here, we mean something like: these things would exist even if humans didn't exist. But what about social reality? What about things that depend on humanity for their existence and yet have real power and influence? Here are some examples -Money -The presidency of the United States -Laws -The existence of nation states Take money for example. There's no inherent value or meaning to green pieces of paper (at least in the US) outside the meaning and value that humans have made up. And yet, this doesn't mean it's imaginary either. A person with 1000 green pieces of paper with $100 printed on it wields a considerable amount of actual monetary power in the world. Similarly, if humans didn't exist and have societies there would be no such concept or thing as "President of the United States', And yet, even though humans made it up the person holding that office wields a considerable amount of power. In this episode James and Robby discuss social reality and fitness. They ask and attempt to answer the following questions -What is social reality? -Why is it so important to the world we live in today? -How do social reality and physical reality bump up against each other in fitness? -What about things like points and prizes for fitness which don't have any reality outside of a social context? -There's no movement such as "the Russian Kettlebell Swing" outside of human societal conventions and yet there are objective facts about how humans should hinge their hips, etc. Have any thoughts, comments or questions? You can email us at Want to purchase Fitness in Philosophy T-Shirts? You can purchase them from the following link.·

  • Reality and Fitness


    Reality and Fitness


    Reality is one of the central concepts in philosophy. In fact, one of the most fundamental questions in philosophy is, "What is real?". Philosophers are very frequently trying to distinguish appearance from reality. Fitness provides one of the most direct forms of access to the external world/reality in terms of directly sensing the world around us. Fitness can also provide a direct "reality-check" to what we believe to be true about of ourselves in terms of our physical capabilities. That "reality-check" can serve as an inspiration to get better. In this episode James and Robby ask, and attempt to answer the following questions. What is reality? How does reality "hit" or "push back" against what we believe to be true? Is fitness and physical expression one of the best ways of gaining access to reality? What lessons do we learn as people from confronting physical realities like "I can't do a pull-up" or "I can't a mile? Can these be sources of motivation and inspiration? In a world on the brink of augmented and virtual reality encroaching on the fitness world, what does it mean to engage in "real" fitness? Have any thoughts, comments or questions? You can email us at Want to purchase Fitness in Philosophy T-Shirts? You can purchase them from the following link.·