Expand Your Self Image Into Greater Health

Essentials To Heal Yourself por Loralee Humpherys

Notas del episodio

ALL creation begins first within our minds. Envisioning that thing, seeing it within our inner vision. Feeling and sensing it within our hearts. Believing that's is 100% possible for you to experience or have, and that it will actually become a physical, manifested reality in your life.The state of your health - or lack thereof - is no different.This episode walks you through the first step to intentionally create an action plan for your health and wellness. Consciously, thoughtfully plan it out. Strategize the actions you need to —and will take. Then work your plan.This episode is Part 1 of the Series, Design Your Lifestyle of Love.We begin with the fundamental foundation of everything - who you believe that you are.Who are you, really?Download the guide mentioned in this episode --Discover What It Takes To Heal Yourself:

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Palabras clave
natural healingphysical health