Cha Cha Burnadette and Danielle Mercado

Creativity in the Capital por Casey Rafter and Nick Brunner, Solving Sacramento

Notas del episodio

Without a leader like burlesque dancer ChaCha Burnadette, Sacramento would not enjoy the kind of spice her dance group, the Darling Clementines, adds to the mix. The group’s founder has been part of the burlesque scene for a decade. Danielle Mercado, founder and director of the Hummingbird Theatre Company in Rancho Cordova, helps make the arts accessible and enjoyable for casual theatergoers and die-hard Broadway fans alike.

Palabras clave
danceburlesquehummingbirdhummingbird theatretheatredarling clementinestheaterhummingbird theaterharlowsrancho cordova