Country Fire Authority General Firefighter Help.

por Ethan N | CFA Volunteer

Compulsory General Firefighter training for firefighters (operational volunteers) can take up to 6 months and no fires can be attended until this training is completed. In this initial training you will learn all the basic skills and safety requirements to be able to commence attending incidents. This podcast help you with reading summaries, so that you can go fight fires.

Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 1

  • General Firefighter Bushfire Firefighter Reference Manual Summary

    General Firefighter Bushfire Firefighter Reference Manual Summary

    Compulsory General Firefighter training for firefighters (operational volunteers) can take up to 6 months and no fires can be attended until this training is completed. In this initial training you will learn all the basic skills and safety requirements to be able to commence attending incidents.