Moving Beyond Theory: Building a Culture of Effective Leadership within Organizations

Catching Fire: How Teams Win por Mohamed Hanbal

Notas del episodio
Stop 10 people on the street and ask them the golden question ‘’what are the characteristics of a great leader?’’ You will be surprised that everyone knows the right answer. You will hear instantaneous answers such as integrity, honesty, fairness, team player, and so on. You will hear answers that can fill books. Now let me ask you ‘’if almost everyone knows how a good leader should act, and on top of that, all this educational content is available online and offline, then why do we have horrible managers? Or why do managers who know by heart the traits of great leaders act in contrast to what they know?’’ In this episode, we will speak about why a lot of managers behave in a toxic way even though they know the characteristics and traits of great leaders, and we will speak about the solution. And the solution is divided into two parts. Part 1 is ab ...   ...  Leer más