Blessed Is She That Believed

por Stephanie Cooper

And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord -Luke 1:45. Trusting God can be hard especially when you already had a plan set for your life. However, who said it was supposed to go YOUR way? The Lord already has a plan set for you, but you need to get in His will in order to see the plan.

Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 3

  • S3, E21: You Don't Look Like What You've Been Through

    S3, E21: You Don't Look Like What You've Been Through

    We're so quick to see what someone else has and immediately want the same thing for ourselves. The danger with this way of thinking is we don't count the cost of what that person went through in order to obtain that thing whether it is a job, degree, relationship, etc. You never know what people have gone through to get to where they are. That's why sharing our testimonies are such a weapon to the kingdom of hell because we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. When we share where the Lord has brought us from and how we grew from that experience we save lives. We give words of caution. We encourage. We inspire people to seek Jesus. With that being said, Let's Get Into It!

  • S3, E20: In the Land of the Lotus Eaters

    S3, E20: In the Land of the Lotus Eaters

    A lotus eater is someone who lives in distractions. Someone who lives a life full of distractions makes it nearly impossible to achieve purpose. We have a tendency in this day and age to allow distractions to be our main focus instead of placing our focus on Jesus Christ. I get really transparent with this episode due to what I went through this week, so LET'S GET INTO IT!

  • S3, E19: Going In Circles

    S3, E19: Going In Circles

    Does it seem like you've been going around and around and you're wondering when the Lord is going to allow you to move? Well, the time to move is now! If you were waiting for a sign to tell you to get out of the mountain...this is it. Let's Get Into It!

  • S3, 18: Rekindle the Fire

    S3, 18: Rekindle the Fire

    This week we are talking about rekindling the fire and stirring up the gift that is in you. Your purpose, your call that you have been sitting on, it's time to reignite the flame. When we forget what the Lord has given us we allow fear to creep in, and we know that God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind! Let's Get Into It!

  • S3, E17: Looking At the Details

    S3, E17: Looking At the Details

    This week we are looking at the details of the biblical account of the man let down through the roof to be healed by Jesus. We have to look at the details because many people believe that these four men are his friends, but the Bible NEVER said they were his friends, OOOOPSSS! I know I just messed up some religious beliefs and sermons with that one. And this is why looking at the details of the Word is so important. Let's Get Into It!!!