Operation Market-Garden at 80 Years: WW2's Last Massive Airborne Assault

The American Idea por Ashbrook Center

Notas del episodio

What do you know about the last massive airborne assault to take place in WW2? Market-Garden, beginning on 17 September 1944, involved more than three Allied airborne divisions in daytime drops in three separate areas, as well as thousands more troops and vehicles of the Allied XXX Corps. Depicted in the movie "A Bridge Too Far," the assault sputtered and failed to achieve its objectives, and yet still played an important role in the development of the war in Western Europe after D-Day and the liberation of France.

#ww2 #worldwar2 #market-garden #arnhem #bridgetoofar #screamingeagles #82ndairborne #101stairborne

Host: Jeff Sikkenga

Producer: Jeremy Gypton

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Palabras clave
historyamerican historyworld war 2military historyww2