Protecting Podcasting’s Future: The Launch of The Podcast Standards Project


in proudly supports The Podcast Standards Project, a grassroots coalition that aims to establish open standards for the podcast industry, to promote innovation, and to protect open podcasting.

What is the Podcast Standards Project?

The Podcast Standards Project is a grassroots coalition that aims to establish open standards for the podcast industry to promote innovation and protect open podcasting.

The goal? To protect the freedom of podcasting.

As large corporations enter the podcasting space, there’s a risk of the loss of control to podcasting as we know it today.

The project advocates for hosting platforms and listening apps to adopt a standard set of new podcasting tags and features.

While paywalling content has always been a thing, not having standards to be held to means how we listen to and consume podcasts across platforms may not be consistent. And, it should be.

The idea behind the PSP is to maintain open podcasting and prevent proprietary features from disrupting how people can listen to podcasts.

What’s the Difference Between Podcasting 2.0 and the Podcast Standards Project?

Podcasting 2.0 is an open-source project focused on developing new technology for podcasting, including projects like the podcast namespace, Podcast Index, and Podping that have been popular with podcasters.

On the other hand, the Podcast Standards Project (PSP) aims to identify projects like those from Podcasting 2.0 and advocate for the adoption of a standard set of features across listening apps and hosting providers to ensure consistency and innovation within the podcast industry.

Two PSP compliant RSS feed validators that look for Podcasting 2.0 tags are Livewire Podcast Validator and Podbase. Proudly Supports the Podcast Standards Project along with Podnews, Bluburry, Captivate, CurioCaster, Podbase, Podfriend, Red Circle, and Transistor and a number of others came together to work on this grassroots movement.

At we’re committed to making podcasting accessible to everyone, and the Podcast Standards Project is fully aligned with this goal.

We hope that this movement takes hold, and that podcasters, listeners, and anyone involved in the podcast industry gets involved.

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