Lessons from Publishing 100 Podcast Episodes in 1 Year




In this episode of Podcasting 101 with RSS.com, we’re speaking with Patrick Strevens of North Bank Media Podcast.  And I’m so excited to chat with him because he committed to doing 100 podcast episodes within a single year.  So we’re going to be talking all about what that process was like, and how he went through it, and all the insights he gained along the way, hope you enjoy the show.

Patrick, welcome to the show. I’m so excited you could be here today. Could you do us a favor and introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about what it is you do?

Patrick 00:45
Sure thing, it’s my pleasure. My name is Patrick Strevens. I guess by trade, I’m a video producer camera operator up here in Edmonton, Alberta. But podcasting was sort of a secondary line for me. Kind of a hobby, something to do during COVID when there wasn’t a lot of video production going on. And something I’ve continued to do as life gets back to normal.

Ashley 01:05
It definitely sounds like a familiar story. It seems like a lot of people started doing the podcasting thing, right in the height of the pandemic. You know, we were all at home. We’re trying to figure out something to do with our days. And so we all got microphones. And it was kind of funny, because whenever I got started, it was also in the middle of the pandemic. I actually started my show on April Fool’s Day, 2020. And I remember whenever I was trying to find a microphone, a lot of places were already sold out because everyone was buying podcasting equipment.

Patrick 01:33
Interesting. Well, it’s, I mean, it’s such that you don’t need much to do a podcast. That’s the beauty of it.

Getting Your Message Out There

Ashley 01:39
Yes. And it’s actually one of my favorite things. It’s a great way to like, get your message out there without having to, you know, invest a lot into equipment. I mean, while you can, you can get started with just a few things like as long as you have a computer, a Wi Fi connection, a podcast host, and a podcasting mic, you can rock and roll.

Patrick 01:56
That’s good. And use RSS.com for that hosting, we should say, right?

Ashley 01:58
I love it, fantastic! Okay, so you started, you know, it sounds like just a couple years ago, tell me a little bit about how your podcasting journey began, and what you went through as you were starting?

Patrick 02:11
Sure, I think – I think it really kind of occurred, like I listened to a lot of podcasts starting about 2017 – 2018. You know, the big ones, of course, being Joe Rogan, but also some of those comedians that I like, Bill Burr, feel Vaughn guys who just basically ramble for an hour, and I kind of thought that maybe that’s like a meditative thing, you know, just to be able to speak your mind for an hour could be a healing thing. But, you know, when the social and political climate really ramped up to a very divisive and sort of aggressive place, let’s say, June, you know, May, June of 2020, you know, after George Floyd and all that. Everybody had an opinion, you know, to have an opinion was to wade into the battleground, almost. And I just, I felt a lot of personal unrest, because I wasn’t speaking my mind. I wasn’t organizing my thoughts and the podcast kind of was the first step in that, like, okay, I’m going to commit to working on what I think about this world around me, because I think we have to do that in order to be healthy.

Ashley 03:11
Absolutely, absolutely.

Patrick 03:13

Starting Your Own Podcast

Ashley 03:14
So now, when you first began, was it just you in the microphone, did you have guests on? What, or how did that go?

Patrick 03:18
I was pretty committed to doing it with guests. You know, I did about the first 20 episodes with a guest, and it was a dialogue. You know, gradually, I started working into doing some solo episodes, which were interesting, you know, because, again, it’s just you in the microphone into a dead air is not a good thing or stumbling over your words is not always a good thing. But no, it was to me – the dialogue is the most important thing.

Ashley 03:48
I can definitely relate to that, because whenever I first started, I was like, okay, I’m just speaking into a microphone, but I actually committed to starting mine without guests. I didn’t want to bring on guests yet because I wanted to kind of, you know, play with things, and figure it out. And it was always like, okay, I’m speaking into the ether, and maybe no one’s gonna hear this. Will anyone even care?

Does it Matter if Anybody Hears Your Podcast?

Patrick 04:09
No, they won’t. But well, it doesn’t matter, though. I don’t think so. I think I’d ask you the same thing that I’m about to say is like, does it matter if anybody hears it? Or is the saying it – getting it out, and organizing it, the most important part?

Ashley 04:22
That’s very much the, you know, if a tree falls in the woods, and no one’s there to hear it, does it make a sound?

Patrick 04:27
It is, and we’re making a lot of noise, yeah.

Ashley 04:30
Yeah. And it’s actually also liberating. You know, just to get your message out there just to speak your words, speak your truth, say what you got to say. I can understand that. Like, just you know, who cares if no one hears it? At least you took a chance. You said something.

Patrick 04:43
Exactly. It’s better than it comes out. Because then you can hear it for yourself and be like, well, that’s stupid. I need to work on that, you know.

Ashley 04:49

Patrick 04:50
Or you’re like, it’s pretty good. Yeah.

Do You Need a Niche to Start a Podcast?

Ashley 04:53
So I’m curious whenever you began, did you know what your niche was going to be? Or did you just kind of jump in and experiment?

Patrick 05:00
I just jumped in. I wanted to figure out what I think about the world around me, and I need to talk to people to be able to do that. I had a hunch that talking to people who were sort of self-starters, like, or self-employed was kind of a way to go. I know a few entrepreneurs, a lot of, like the filmmaking and video production community hear, and they’re all entrepreneurs. So there’s, I kind of tended in that direction, but I mean, I also talked to, I talked to people that are career people, people who are employed by businesses. I didn’t know the niche, and that I’m not gonna say I regret that because there’s no point but there was no, there was no rhyme or reason to actually there was no plan beyond just recording episodes.

Ashley 05:42
I think that’s actually a good thing, though, because it gives you the chance to, if you just start, and you just like, begin, then you can figure out what it is you even like to talk about. Because you know, whenever you first start with something like this, it’s such a diverse medium, where you can literally talk about anything. But the problem is a lot of us, you know, if you were to ask anyone like, “Hey, if you were to start a podcast, what would it be on?” You’d get a lot of “I don’t knows”. And so I think it’s actually really cool that you didn’t know what you wanted to do. So you just kind of jumped in and went for it.

Paralysis by Analysis/Imposter Syndrome

Patrick 06:14
Right. And that’s what I would suggest to anybody who wants to do anything is that you don’t – there’s that paralysis by analysis thing where it’s like, if I just sit, if I want to figure it all out and then do it, it’s like, no, you should actually just do it, and then figure it out as you go.

Ashley 06:27
Yeah, for me, it was definitely imposter syndrome. Like I did have the analysis paralysis too, but it was also imposter syndrome of the, you know, are people gonna find out I’m a fraud.

Patrick 06:38
Whoa, oh, it’s interesting. Like you really didn’t have anything to say, and you had no business saying it.

Credibility in Podcasting

Ashley 06:43
Well like I knew what I wanted to talk about, because like, my own personal podcast is all about blogging. And I’ve been blogging since 2009. And I went pro in 2011. But it was still the, you know, is someone who’s more successful than I am going to hear this podcast and be like, well, she doesn’t know anything. She’s not making six figures, that kind of stuff.

Patrick 07:02
Interesting. Yeah, that’s a huge part of it, but again, it’s like well so what? You as an individual have something to offer that no one else can. I believe.

Publishing One Hundred Podcast Episodes in a Single Year

Ashley 07:13
I like that, I like that a lot. Okay, so one of the things you did say to me is you said, I began the podcast as a way to figure out what I thought about the world around me and the issues of our time, I wanted to talk to people, entrepreneurs, artists, activist, political hopefuls, friends, and anyone, and you said, you did that for one hundred episodes. One hundred episodes in a single calendar year. Tell me about what your process looks like of how you go, and you find your guests? How do you record your episodes? How do you edit your episodes? How does all that work for you?

Patrick 07:41
I guess I’d say I’m blessed, or I’m lucky to know a lot of interesting people. I didn’t realize. that until I started doing this. Like I easily made the list of the first 40 People just in one sitting like I easily thought forty people. I have a couple friends who did multiple episodes, so it wasn’t one hundred different people, I’d say it was maybe whatever, 75-80 individual people.

So that was it, and a lot of people when you tell them what it is, is like I just want to sit down and talk to you. They’re into it, you know, and going through zoom on a lot of them, like a zoom call, it’s like it’s very easy for people just to sit and talk like this. So there’s no barrier that way. And then I think when you put it to them as like, well, you get to promote yourself, and the show is kind of about you, I’m the host. That appeals to a lot of people, right, a chance to speak their mind, especially in a culture where everyone’s just blabbing all the time. Give someone the space to blab and they’re happy to do it, I found.

And then, as far as editing, there was very little editing, and that was kind of the beauty of the show. It’s like we press record, we talk until we’re sick of each other, we press stop, and then that goes up as the episode. Well I would do an intro at the start after the fact, but that was part of what allowed me to be so efficient was like very little effort.

Ashley 08:56
I like that. So minimum effort maximum results.

Patrick 09:01
Well, minimum effort for sure. Yeah, I don’t know if the results were whatever. But yeah, let’s say.

Ashley 09:07
Well, how much time did all that take you to do one hundred episodes, like from the beginning to the end? If you were to tell me, you know, from episode number one. How long did all of that take you?

Patrick 09:17
Well, I guess I recorded episode one on New Year’s Day. 2021 and I posted episode one hundred On New Year’s Eve of 2021. So it was right down the wire.

Ashley 09:28

Patrick 09:29
Yeah, I did, because I said it at some point, that I was gonna do it and I thought, oh no, I shouldn’t have said that. Because then by the end of December I was like doing episodes every day like and I got into video doing video episodes maybe in about September. So that adds to the workflow, but we got it done and then I walked away for a while but yeah, it took a year. A true, a year, truly.

Key Takeaways

Ashley 09:52
So I bet in that year you learned a lot. What were some of the big takeaways of committing to one hundred episodes and doing it. What did you learn in that year?

Patrick 10:02
Well, I learned a lot for sure. I learned that people for sure will, will talk if you give them the space to talk, and if you just get out of the way. You know, I did twenty episodes, the first 20 episodes thinking about, you know, trying to impress my point of view on things. And then I got into a bit of a tangle up or a more confrontational episode with a girl who was, I guess you’d say very progressive, maybe you use the word woke. And I, it’s like, I just backed off after that. I was like, I don’t have to agree or disagree with anybody. I just need to; we just need to have the conversation. So that was probably the biggest one. It’s like my opinion of right and wrong is not really that important.

It’s just about letting the guests speak. I mean, if they say something horrific, then you’re gonna have to call them on it, but that’s what I learned. It was actually again, minimum effort, just open the door and let them walk through it.

The Process of Finding Podcast Guests

Ashley 10:55
Did you ever have any trouble finding guests or getting someone to commit to speaking with you?

Patrick 10:59
Never really had any trouble. I guess I’m having a bit of trouble now, because it’s March, and I’ve only done three episodes in the last three months. But for the first one hundred, it was, it flowed like water, it was like this weird thing where it just started picking up speed. And every so often, the guest would recommend another person to meet. That’s when you know, you’re on a roll, right. when people are coming to you, and that happened a few times. But no, it was, it was never hard to get people to do it.

Ashley 11:28
Well, that’s good, because a lot of people struggle with actually finding guests. And I wonder sometimes if it’s because they’re trying to niche down just a little too much. And they don’t know, you know, where to find the people that they’re looking for. So where do you find your guests? Like, I know, you said, you already knew a lot of cool people, then you have mentioned that you have had referrals of new people to speak to. But when you’re looking for a guest, where do you go?

I just go to my, I mean, Instagram is another big one. Like, I would say, you know, of all the guests I’ve had, I know most of them personally. Probably three quarters or more, and it’s the same thing, there’s no secret, and I’m no business giant, but there’s no secret to business really beyond personal connection. Right? So you know, we’re sometimes in this digital landscape, we’re kind of separated from one another, but to me, the key has always been personal connection on a real, like a real human connection. But beyond that, Instagram, social media is huge. Just reach out and ask, you know, because the worst thing someone could say is no. Hopefully, they could say something else like yes, but really, it’s just having the confidence to believe that your show is worth having someone on and if all else fails, just have one of your stupid friends on it. They probably owe you a favor.

How Patrick Promotes His Podcast

Ashley 12:39
I love that. So where do you promote your show? Like how do you go about telling people, “Hey, these new episodes are out, come listen to me.”

Patrick 12:46
I really don’t do a whole lot of that, and I guess that was part of the one hundred episodes in a year, there wasn’t much time to promote them. It was just about doing them. But I’ve slowly started to build up the Instagram page. So it’s North Bank Media Podcast on Instagram. So I’m starting to post reels, clips, and episode notes there. Beyond that, that’s about it. Like I want to get on to LinkedIn, eventually. But there’s not a whole lot of promotion going on.

Ashley 13:12
Do you have any regrets with your podcast?

Patrick 13:13
Oh, boy. Well, I don’t know if I have any regrets. I mean, there’s definitely things that I’ve said that probably weren’t the smartest things. But that’s also part of the thing is like, you commit to doing it, you say that you put it out there now you have to stand by it, or else you have to apologize for it. I don’t think I have any regrets. I think. I wish maybe I could have kept it rolling. Like I said, I’ve only done the three eps since January, but I don’t have any regrets. I mean to me it’s a lifetime pursuit. Right?

Ashley 13:48

Patrick 13:49
Right now things are busy so I’m not doing it. If things slow down in the summer, then I’ll start doing it more regularly.

Making Money Podcasting

Ashley 13:54
Well, so speaking of which, it sounds like your podcast is almost more of a hobby, are you doing anything to monetize it? Or do you have a day job and then the podcast is just for fun?

Patrick 14:05
I think that’s more accurate. It’s just a hobby in some ways. It’s like an education, you know, you learn how to talk to people, you learn how social media works, and what it likes, you learn what people will do and not do. To me it could, where I’m trying to get it to is a place where, you know, it gets me in the door with somebody, let’s say an entrepreneur, and then we talk for an hour. I provide them this content, and then there’s maybe a soft sell at the end where I say, you know, my business is video production. Do you require that sort of thing? And that has actually worked a handful of times in the past with certain guests where they say, oh, I need an ad. I need to do some videos. So it’s not directly monetized. But it’s sort of like, I don’t know what you’d say, it gets me in the door with people that make decisions.

Ashley 15:52
Yes. And say you’re starting to build the relationships and network with people and as you kind of
just chat with them and get to know them. It’s, like you said, a soft sell. I like that.

Patrick 15:03
Yeah, that’s exactly it. I would recommend that more than, I mean, I don’t know, do you monetize your podcast? Because to me, it’s like no one, nope, Bluetooth or whoever is not going to sell ads on my podcast. I only get twelve views on some episodes.

Ashley 15:14
Before at present with my personal podcast, no, I don’t have any monetization. But I do mention several times, you know, that I’m a blogger, and that I’m a ghost blogger. And I tell people about my website and things like that. But for my personal podcast, no, right now there’s no monetization, I have hopes that maybe one day I’ll come up with something. But I think for right now, it’s kind of like what you’re doing is just still like, trying to have the conversation and still learn. And that’s why I’m so excited to be hosting this podcast for RSS.com is, as I’m learning, I’m getting to teach others what I’m learning. And I think that’s what’s so awesome about this is, it’s where we’re teaching others what we’re learning and continuing the conversations, continuing to evolve. And it’s just, it’s a whole lot of fun.

Patrick 15:55
That’s a whole lot of fun, right? There’s no, there’s really maybe nothing else we can do beyond just keep teasing out the ideas infinitely, right? It’s certainly better than not doing it.

To Script or Not to Script?

Ashley 16:08
Well, I’m curious, whenever you’re about to have a conversation with someone, do you have a script or like a certain line of questioning that you have ready to go? Or is it more that you just kind of let the conversation evolve as it naturally will?

Patrick 16:20
Yeah, it depends on the guest, I guess. When I first started, I tried to do it with no script. And there were some miserable moments of, like running out of things to say after 15 minutes. I definitely got better at going without a script as time went, but there were certain guests like, you know, some musicians who have a bit of a following and don’t want their brand to just get stepped on where I would do some work. As far as emailing them questions where we’re going to go. So, I would say it was a mix of both. I would, I don’t love heavily scripted conversations, you know, like radio interviews where you can tell the guy’s just thinking of the next question and not like what he says is not going to depend on what the guest says.

Ashley 17:04
Yeah, those publicists approved questions.

Patrick 17:08
Exactly right. So that’d be, I mean, not to give recommendations, but it was about letting the conversation evolve naturally, but also maybe having some bullet points where if we got stuck, we could, we knew, we had somewhere to go.

Dream List of Podcast Guests

Ashley 17:21
Now, with your podcast list of guests. Do you have a dream list of who you would really love to talk to?

Patrick 17:27
I mean, I love talking to musicians, I guess because I’m like a hobbyist musician. I have had a few pretty explicit, you know, decently successful musicians, I guess. I don’t know someone like, I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know if I have a dream list of people I want to talk to. I’d never –

Ashley 17:47
– I definitely do. That’s why I asked.

Okay, you give me your top three. You give me your top three, maybe that’ll…

Ashley 17:53
Well, I actually got to interview one of them already, and that was Kate Erickson of Entrepreneurs on Fire. I was so excited to talk to her. But for my personal podcast, I want to talk to Natalie Sisson. I want to talk to Denise Duffield-Thomas, and I really want to talk to Ruth Soukup. They’re my top three like big people that I really want to have on the Bloggy Friends Show.

Patrick 18:12
Interesting. Could it happen? Or is it like, I’m sure it could happen. Right?

Ashley 18:17
I don’t know. I think it would be a matter of, I know, one of the things that people say is you need to catch people when they’re in promotion mode. Because they’re more likely to say yes, because they’re trying to get on every podcast that they possibly can. So I kind of like watching their calendars and seeing what they’re promoting, and all that good stuff. So I think that’s kind of a good piece of advice. If you do have a guest that you really want to get on your show, see when it is that they’re actually trying to, to get their name out there or remind people who they are. Because if they have a promo calendar, like let’s say they have a course that’s coming up, that’s going to be the best time because they’re already in launch mode. They’re already prepared to be on camera or be on, you know, audio, and talk about something big that’s happening in their lives.

Patrick 18:59
That’s interesting. That’s great, that’s a great tip. Yeah, most people don’t want to talk all the time, but then they really need to talk when they’re trying to, yeah, like you say, re-engage the audience.

Ashley 19:08
Exactly. It’s kind of like, you know, anytime a celebrity has a movie that’s about to come out, what do they do? They go on a press tour, because that’s when they have to remind people hey, I’m still here. I still exist.

Patrick 19:19
I’m relevant.

Ashley 19:21
I’m relevant. I like that, yeah. Yeah, I kind of got that idea of watching people’s calendars from John Lee Dumas, who’s also from Entrepreneurs on Fire. He was talking about that at Podcast Movement, which is – we’re recording this in March and Podcast Movement is coming up in a couple of weeks. But, yeah, there’s just so many things that I never would have thought of before. Before starting the podcast, like, yeah, if you just start watching someone’s calendar and see, hey, they’re about to have a launch, they might be more willing to talk to you, even if you’re a smaller podcaster.

YouTube for Podcast Promotion

Patrick 19:50
For sure, and that’s one shift I’ve made in my podcast is like I’m clipping short reels and doing more social media content. I like to give that to them.

Ashley 19:59

Right. It’s like, here’s a bunch of free, you know, maybe you don’t want to invest an hour listening to this person, but here’s three minutes of this person talking about their business. To me that should be invaluable for an entrepreneur.

Ashley 20:10
Yes. And that’s actually one of the things we’re doing with the RSS.com podcast is, we’re starting to do what’s called Quick Hits, where we’ll have the 35-minute, you know, 45-minute episode, but then we also release like three to five minute clips that can not only be repurposed on social media, but if someone’s just, you know, on the go, and they just want to hear those golden nuggets that are like the best pieces of each episode, you can find those too?

Patrick 20:32
Absolutely. Because as much as people have the appetite for the long form stuff it is like they also don’t. It’s a different world, it’s like, if we can give it to somebody on their Instagram feed, you might get a good look for it.

Ashley 20:44
Yes, and I have to tell you, one of my dirty little secrets when it comes to listening to podcasts is I always use the pod catcher that has the ability to speed up the time of the episode. So if it’s like a 45-minute episode, I’ll do it at like a 1.5 times speed so that it can be done in 30 minutes, and I can get back to whatever I was doing.

Patrick 21:01
Right, just right, just cram it down and move on.

Ashley 21:05
Yep. It’s just one of those weird quirk things that I do with YouTube videos, too. If I’m, like, trying to learn something, I always look and see like, can I get this done a little bit faster, so I can get the content and then get back to this. You know what I need to do?

Patrick 21:20
Interesting, I might have to try that out.

Ashley 21:21
I’m kind of addicted to it, though, and it’s bad. Because like, then when people are talking in real time, I’m like, can you talk a little faster?

Patrick 21:27
That’s hilarious.

Ashley 21:29
Which is probably not good.

Patrick 21:31
Well, you can say a lot of things about YouTube maybe not being so good. But whatever.

Ashley 21:36
Yeah. But it’s, I mean, I’ve learned a lot on YouTube. I mean, I learned how to change my own lights on my car, like, you know, my headlights. Like that kind of stuff. It’s kind of wild how literally anything you could ever want to know, you can find online.

Patrick 21:51
Exactly. Your exact make and model of car, some headlights on that thing?

Ashley 21:55
Yep. And that’s exactly what it was, like, just Google exactly what you’re looking for. That’s kind of one of the cool things about podcasting, too. Because people are talking about anything and everything. You never know what you’re going to find, and once you do find it, you can be opened up to like a whole realm of possibilities. I think that’s one of the things that’s so cool about this medium is not only are people finally getting their messages out there, but they’re teaching people things that they didn’t even know existed.

Patrick 22:24
Absolutely. I had a guy on my podcast, maybe you should have him on your show. His name is Clayton Putri. He’s out in Pittsburgh and he does a podcast called consciousness. So things like psychedelics, meditation, all that sort of stuff. What I learned talking to him was like, mind blowing, it wasn’t stuff that I didn’t know, but I just I didn’t understand it as well, and then you talk to him. It’s just like, he found his niche first and then went for it.

What Does the Future Hold for Patrick

Ashley 22:47
That’s awesome. I absolutely love that. So now with your podcast, what do you see for the future of it? And maybe even like the near future and beyond?

Patrick 22:56
Yeah, good question. Well, like I said to you – like the first 100 episodes, it was just a mishmash, some of it was good, some of it was bad. A lot of the like, visual branding was pretty corny on my part. I had a friend finally tell me, he’s like, you got to, it looks like, it doesn’t look great, it looks a little cheesy. It’s like, okay, so I changed the brand, and we went to this kind of blue and orange, a little sleeker, and now I’m really focusing on talking to entrepreneurs, people who are building people, not just entrepreneurs, but creatives, artists, you know, people who are building a legacy, people who are building something bigger than themselves. Then I want the podcast to be of use to them because I’ve got what I need out of this podcast already. Now I want to turn around and in some insane way think that I can maybe offer something to other people. It’s just a chance to express their thoughts and then have those thoughts packaged and used to promote themselves. So that’s the shift, I think, is making this useful to the guest for a change.

Ashley 23:53
That’s awesome, though. I think it’s really cool, though, that you kind of just started as it was, you know, just, I’m going to just talk about stuff. Then it evolved into well, now I’m not just talking about just stuff. I’m talking about something with a, what’s almost like a mission and a purpose, and the further you go, I mean, who knows what could happen in a year or two years or you know, five years down the road?

Patrick 24:14
Exactly. You don’t know who you might get introduced to and who you might then be able to say, “Hey, I’ve got a podcast, that’s not a joke, it’s less of a joke than it was two years ago. Would you like to come on it?” You know what I mean? So you have to be ready I would say, build your show now, and be ready for when the door opens to somebody big?

Where to Find Patrick Online

Ashley 24:31
I like that. I like that a lot. So I think there’s been a lot of really good advice in this. So where can people find your podcast? Where can they find you online?

Patrick 24:39
For sure. So, my podcast is called the North Bank Media Podcast. I’m on YouTube, I’m on Spotify, Google, Amazon, all sorts of things. Definitely find us on Instagram maybe first at North Bank Media Podcast. Yeah, once you, let’s just leave it at that you don’t want to find me online, there’s nothing. There is well, if we keep it to the podcast, you can find me as well. I’ve done some photography, videography, that sort of thing, but it’s pretty much everywhere. It’s easy to find, that’s not the person.

Ashley 25:12
That’s awesome. All right. Well, now I’ve got to ask you the one question I ask everyone before I let them go. What is one question I didn’t ask you that you really wish I had?

Patrick 25:19
Oh, boy. What is one question? I don’t know, there’s that dead air we’re trying to work around. I don’t know, I guess, maybe the name of the podcast because it’s a stupid name. Truthfully. So, I live up here in Edmonton and the North Saskatchewan River runs right through Edmonton. And I grew up on the north bank of that river. And the north bank of that river is where I did a lot of conversations and things as I grew up with people, right. So it was the place where I did the same thing that I do now that I’m podcasting. So I’m and North Bank Media was supposed to be my brand. My Video Production brand hasn’t quite gotten there yet. But I thought that this would be a way to create content for North Bank Media.

So, because then you see the name, it’s like, wow, now I have no idea what this podcast is.

Ashley 26:10

Patrick 26:11
So maybe that’s one, I’m not gonna say regret, but that’s one thing that we’re working on is making that brand synonymous with conversation and dialogue.

Ashley 26:19
I love that though. I think it sounds really cool.

Patrick 26:25
Hey, I appreciate that. Yeah, it’s not bad. It’s not bad. I’m working with it.

Ashley 26:28
That’s awesome. Well, I want to tell you, I really appreciate everything that you shared with me here today. I feel like I got a lot of good golden nuggets. I took a bunch of notes while we were chatting, because then I mean, there’s just a conversation, just the way that it evolved with, you know, I didn’t know what you were gonna say, and you didn’t know what I was gonna say. It was still educational, and it was still about connection. I think that’s what’s so important. So podcasters, if you’re listening to this, I hope that you’ll just be inspired to just start, start, just start. That’s the best way to put it, because if you just start, then you can kind of figure out what it is you like, what you don’t, and just start reaching out to people to see who wants to talk to you. You never know you could get a yes.

Patrick 27:09
You could get a yes, that’s absolutely right. Don’t ever forget that as an individual you have something to offer the world that no one else can. So, through podcasting maybe you can find it for sure.

Ashley 27:18
Oh, that is so good. Great way to finish this out. Well, thank you again for being here, Patrick, and I hope you have a great day.

Patrick 27:24
Thanks, Ashley. Thanks for reaching out.

Ashley 27:28
Well, my fellow podcasters I hope you enjoyed all the insights that Patrick had to share with us. To learn more about how to launch and grow your podcast, head over to RSS.com. You can get started for free with your first episode on us. Thanks for tuning in.

Patrick’s Links:

LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/patrickstrevens

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patrickstrevens/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv-CgNb5P9hP4BqdkzWsQVQ

The North Bank Media Podcast: https://linktr.ee/northbankmediapodcast

Your Call Productions: Tell Your Story: http://yourcallvideo.com/

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