Get Connected: The IoT and Electronics Manufacturing Revolution. Ep 25- Ashish Chinthal

The Zista Podcast by Zista Education

Episode notes

Welcome to another enlightening episode of The Zista Podcast! Today, we're decoding the mysteries of the IoT and Electronics Manufacturing industry with a seasoned expert, Ashish Chinthal. If you're a student looking to understand the vibrant landscape of the rapidly growing electronics manufacturing sector in India, this episode is a must-watch. Gain invaluable insights on potential career prospects in IoT, the influence of this industry on the economy, and the educational background you need to excel. This isn't just a podcast episode, it's your stepping stone to a promising career in the IoT industry.About The Zista Podcast: Zista Podcast addresses recurrent queries raised by students relating to a specific subject area. We invite industry professionals, senior academicians, and thought leaders to share insights, and provide m ... 

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