Success = Love and Safety, Right?!?

Who is God? by Thaddeus Fonck

Episode notes

Success = Love and Safety, Right? - Randy Ralston

Is the safety we find in our performance and success truly safe?

Randy learned at an early age that Grace existed… but in a performance based environment. He excelled in everything he did, and that led to a sense of safety. The stress of continued performance led him to finally break, learning in the process that God would continue to use him to lead others to healing even though he was broken and resisted letting God heal some of his deepest wounds.

This podcast could also be called, Finding Fulfillment apart from God.

My guest is longtime friend and co-sojourner Randy Ralston.

At age 10 Randy’s impression of God was that he was Angry, Capricious, Pernicious and demanded obedience, led with fear and shame. Randy's understanding of God’s personality was influen ... 

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biographicalmodeling for our childrenidentityBusiness OwnerGod's LoveBeing used by GodShameYou can't, but Christ canOmnipotenceBrokennessSuccessPerformanceHealingRealGraceGodIsGoodFamily