A life lived for God - Harold Berry

Who is God? by Thaddeus Fonck

Episode notes

WIG 2-10 Harold Berry

This is a story of a life pursuing God and the ministry of serving God. Harold continued to pursue serving God using the gifts, opportunities and relationships provided to him.

At 89, Harold as a widower has met a Widow Mary and the 2 are to wed. Even at their age, God still has a purpose to unite Harold and his new bride.

“If you want to hear God speak audibly to you, read the Bible out loud.”

The importance of discipleship. follow up. Not just drinking in the word of God, but sharing it.


Receive - Something to Read

Reflect - What does this mean to you

Respond - Apply it , Share it with someone else.

Develop and memorize a short testimony that you will never wonder what to say when you meet a stranger.

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