Business, Mental Health, & The Journey of Finding 'My Happy'. (Ep.15)

Wedding Business Growth Coach Podcast by Jen Maynard

Episode notes

This week marked Mental Health Awareness Day in the UK, and if I am honest, I completely missed it until I saw social media posts of others talking about it after the event.

We can often be running 100mph in our lives, that we can often miss the opportunity to look up and recognise when we need to make a change or recalibrate our lives to ensure our own wellbeing is maintained and cared for.

In this episode, I share a recording of a recent talk I did at a networking event, sharing a moment in time when I realised there was something seriously wrong with the version of reality I had created, and that some major changes needed to take place to rebuild my life and discover what true authenticity and happiness meant to me.


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