Dungeons and Dragons (and RPGs)

What Do You Like? by Ryan Moran

Episode notes

We are looking at the game Dungeons and Dragons and other role playing games. Our sources for the brief history are a series of articles by Ben Riggs from the Nerdist: "The Story of D&D Part 1 The Birth Death and Resurrection of Dungeons and Dragons" and "How D&D Writers Fought the Satanic Panic in the 19802". As well as "How Dungeons and Dragons became part of the 1980s Satanic Panic" by Olivia Kennedy. Some of our preferred sources of listening to campaigns are:

Adventure Is Nigh by The Escapist

Critical Role

Dungeons and Daddies

Not a Drop to Drink and Dice Friends by Loading Ready Run

Call of Cthulhu Mystery Program (partially scripted)

if you have a topic you want us to cover email us at : wdylpodcast@gmail.com

instagram: wdylpod

dungeons and dragonsrpgscall of cthulhu