Episode notes

(Previously Aired on 2/18/2020) Jocko Willink is a retired Navy SEAL commander. He spent 20 years as an enlisted man and officer. He shares lessons of leadership the SEAL team experiences taught him with host Jim Fausone.

Jocko has written a new leadership field manual with instructions in simple, clear, step-by-step language to help soldiers complete their mission. In the civilian sector, books offer information on everything from fixing a leaky faucet to developing an effective workout program to cooking a good steak. He's co-authored other books, including "Extreme Ownership" and "The Dichotomy of Leadership". But "Leadership Strategy and Tactics" is the first leadership field manual with a direct and situational how-to guide anyone can instantly put to use. It explains how to take leadership theory, quickly translate that theory into a ... 

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Veterans RadioVeteransNavyJim FausoneAuthorMilitaryNavy SealsPodcastJocko WillinkExtreme OwnershipThe Dichotomy of LeadershipStrategyTacticsLeadership TheoryLeadership Strategy and Tactics