Don't get scammed! Prevent common vacation rental scams [Fall 2022 Edition]

Vacation Rentals with John by Vacation Rental & Airbnb Coach

Episode notes

John and Tim share how to identify and prevent common vacation rental scams...

● This industry has so many scams so here are some you need to be aware of as a host

● The guest coming in to trash your place with the weekend party (What this request will

look like)

● The bed bug scam

● The your place is dirty scam

● The squatter

● The constant complainer

● I found a better rental scammer

● Extortionist

● How to prevent these from happening to you

● How to respond if you are in a situation like this

● Make your listing scamproof or scam resistant by your language and communication ‘non-nonsense approach’

Revisit this episode anytime you think a guest or prospective guest is up to a scam, lots of experiences shared here. Hope they help! Please rate, revie ... 

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vacation rental scamairbnb scamvacation home scam