Episode 9: The Art of converting defeat into stepping stones to opportunity.

Unleash the Eagle within YOU by Ugo Chijiutomi

Episode notes

In this episode, I discuss The art of converting defeat into stepping stones to opportunity.

This was the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

I shared steps on how to reframe and reprogram your mind to begin to see Defeat as a stepping stone to opportunities

How to Identify the opportunities in your business, family and personal life.

This was a short episode but nonetheless insightful.

I also talked about my forthcoming event on the 3rd of September

Unleash the Eagle within You seminar:

Theme: Unlock the power of your Mind


You can follow me on my socials:

Instagram: @Ugo_Chijiutomi

Linkedin: Ugo Chijiutomi

Facebook Group: Unleash The Eagle within You

website: www.ugochijiutomi.co ... 

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rejectionjames allennapoleon hill