Episode 24 - Music

Two Itchy Boys by Bobby McCarthy and Hunter J Allen

Episode notes
Two weeks late, but a whole year later, the boys are here to show what soothes the savage beast. some lil video games apparently. This week we strum a golden lil ditty to the tune of the sweet, earnest interactive album experience Evergreen Blues https://usdivad.itch.io/evergreen-blues and settle into the vibe filled rhythm game to chill/study to, Lo-Fi Room https://bearmask.itch.io/lofi-room. Tune in! Thank you all for a wonderful year of lil games, this show means a lot to us and we're glad for you all to have been on this ride with us. HERE'S TO SEASON 2 BAYBEE! Our theme music is Busy, Busy by Twinkle Park https://twinklepark.band ...   ...  Read more
gamevideogameitchyitchiotwo itchy boysmusiclofievergreen