Workers Rights: Our Beef with Amazon (Past & Present Labor Exploitation)

Totally Unrelated: History, books & banter among friends by Totally Unrelated

Episode notes

Horrible labor practices brushed under the carpet of 'customer obsession' might sound like the pinnacle of soulless corporatese right from Jeff Bezos' mouth. However, many of the things companies such as Amazon are doing right now bear a striking resemblance to the 19th century horrors of the meatpacking industry in the U.S. and the British Empire.

==WARNING: Episode may contain hexes!==

Books referenced in this episode:

Joshua Specht - Red Meat Republic

Lizzie Collingham -

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labor rightsfood industryclass politicsamazon working conditionsmeatpacking industrylabor exploitationcapitalist exploitationbezos the villainworkers rights