Fiction, Conspiracies & Lies - From Espionage to Conspirituality

Totally Unrelated: History, books & banter among friends by Totally Unrelated

Episode notes
Pavel Coruț was a member of a counter-espionage unit. Then, after the fall of the communist regime in Romania, he started writing spy novels, blurring the line between fact and fiction and introducing a series of conspiracy theories into the public discourse regarding the country's recent past. At the same time, Romanians' appetite for all things religious, spiritual and esoteric was growing at a steady pace. Sensing an opportunity, other former secret service members re-branded themselves as spiritual healers and conspiracy peddlers, becoming key players within the emerging conspirituality movement. 𝕊𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕔𝕖𝕤:  ...  Read more
conspiracy theoriesconspiritualitypavel corutesoterismoccultism in eastern europespy novelssecuritatea comunistasecret servicesspiritual grifters