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  • Effective Treatment for Lyme Dise...

Effective Treatment for Lyme Disease TOC Talks: Ep 20

TOC Talks by The Oxford Center

Episode notes
In this episode of TOC Talks, Andrew Kistner talks with Elizabeth Terry, the Director of Medical Services at The Oxford Center, about a disease that will affect so many this fall... Lyme disease. Ticks always become so prevalent in the warm summer and fall months and Lyme disease is often not far off for those who have been bitten by a tick. Many struggle with recovering from Lyme disease, but thankfully, Elizabeth was able to share some helpful options that The Oxford Center offers. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) can help patients recover from Lyme disease, even if they have not been successful in antibiotic therapy. The Oxford Center also offers Neurofeedback Therapy and Nutritional Services to help you on your way to recovery and ensure you are operating at your best. Tune in to hear all about how these amazing options can help those with Lyme  ...   ...  Read more
the oxford centerthe oxford center podcasthbothyperbaric oxygen therapyalternative medicine