Self-Love and Weight Release - S3-Ep 4 - Juliana Leamen and Tree Ryde)

The Root Of It All with Tree by Tree Ryde

Episode notes

Join us as Juliana Leamen, a renowned wellness expert, delves into the profound connection between self-love and successful weight release. Learn practical tips and inspiring insights to help you nurture a positive relationship with yourself, Discover the transformative power of self-love, paving the way for a healthier and happier life.

Juliana Leamen is the founder of Naturally Joyous Inc. She is a Menopause Weight Release Expert, the host of 'Confidence From Within' podcast and author of the Best Seller book 'Release - A Woman's Guide To Releasing Weight In Midlife Through Becoming Your Body's Best Friend’. She is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, Board Certified by The American Association of Natural Wellness Practitioners, University- trained with a Masters degree in Science, Certified Functional Genomics Practitioner ... 

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