World Central Kitchen, The NRA, Pretty Boys Are Poisonous

The Nonprofit Insider Podcast by Swim Karim

Episode notes

3 weeks ago World Central Kitchen jumped to the top of many headlines after 7 humanitarian workers died doing aid delivery. In today's episode, Swim Karim, talks about the meteorite rise of WCK and why nonprofits will continue to be at the forefront of major geo-politic activities.

Plus, Swim jumps back into the trial of the NRA and Wayne LaPierre. With the NRA and the former CEO being found liable are there any nonprofit organizations that are in a prime position to overtake the NRA as the top firearms group? Yes, and one is a 501(c)4 while the other is a 501(c)6.

Finally, in today's Rapid Fire Books section we review the book "Pretty Boys are Poisonous: Poems" by Megan Fox.

If you're anything like me you like a nice cup of tea to start and finish your day in the nonprofit world. That's why host Swim Karim goes to

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Met GalaIsraelGeo-PoliticsMegan FoxGazaWorld central kitchenPalestine