Nonprofit Insider Uncut: Donating at the Cash Register

The Nonprofit Insider Podcast by Swim Karim

Episode notes

“Is this for profit company using the money I want donated to this local nonprofit for tax breaks?

“Does the Nonprofit even get 100% of the money?

“Why am I being asked to fund this? Doesn’t the for profit company have millions or billions of dollars”

When you’re at the cash register and they ask you to donate money to a nonprofit what thoughts come to mind?

In today’s episode host Swim Karim takes a look at what really goes on when donating money at the cash register from the three angles of 1) the for profit company, 2) the nonprofit organization and 3) you, the customer.

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If you're anything like me you like a nice cup of tea to start and finish your day in the nonprofit world. That's why host ... 

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